So I'll take a few days break. I won't be blogging during Chinese New Year. I need to enjoy my holiday.
~ Alpha
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
It's Final
Well at last, my dream didn't come true. My boss didn't increase my fact he didn't increase everyone pay! So what we can do now is to curse him and talk at his back just release our frustration.
He keep on saying the his raw material price have increase and it will subsequently lead to increase of our cost of living, especially the petrol price. He is aware of it.....but he still don't want to increase our pay. In between 2-3 year he will increase our pay one time....which is nominal about 10% . You see we are all really underpay.
What can we is impossible to readjust our pay to market rate. Well we just curse...curse and curse all the way until the day he increase our pay.
~ Alpha
He keep on saying the his raw material price have increase and it will subsequently lead to increase of our cost of living, especially the petrol price. He is aware of it.....but he still don't want to increase our pay. In between 2-3 year he will increase our pay one time....which is nominal about 10% . You see we are all really underpay.
What can we is impossible to readjust our pay to market rate. Well we just curse...curse and curse all the way until the day he increase our pay.
~ Alpha
Thursday, January 26, 2006
No Pay Raise?
Up to now I did not receive any news on pay raise. Fat chance to get it anyway, since the company have provide a oversea trip for the staff.
Anyway, few years back I did write a letter to the management to request a pay raise. Don't know why I have to courage to do so, but my dream come true! Few months later I did get a pay fact everybody get it.....does my letter have such a effect?
This time I won't write anymore letter, I believe it won't work every time. Just hope that there is a saviour out there to speak to my boss on our behalf for pay raise.
I like one of my manager who are persistently asking my FC "is there any pay raise and bonus this year?" I believe he do it for the sake of his subordinate.....Oh! my FC hope you do something on it.
~ Alpha
Anyway, few years back I did write a letter to the management to request a pay raise. Don't know why I have to courage to do so, but my dream come true! Few months later I did get a pay fact everybody get it.....does my letter have such a effect?
This time I won't write anymore letter, I believe it won't work every time. Just hope that there is a saviour out there to speak to my boss on our behalf for pay raise.
I like one of my manager who are persistently asking my FC "is there any pay raise and bonus this year?" I believe he do it for the sake of his subordinate.....Oh! my FC hope you do something on it.
~ Alpha
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Thou Shall Not Tell
How do you feel when all your department head is sitting and working in the same floor as you are? Do you have this kind of experience? Well I do. I'm in the same floor with the Company Financial Controller (FC) the company right hand man, the Executive of Accounts Department and lastly the Head of Human Resources Dept.
Then, what post do I hold that make me a floor will all these people while other sit at another floor?. Am I the FC Assistant?.....Assistant to the Executive of Accounts Dept? or Assistant to HR Head?.....Wrong! I'm in the clerical level! But most certainly not general clerk or office boy.haaahaaa
I'm in 1st floor which only have 4 people including myself....but on the ground floor we have 10 staffs (including boss)......and this make me all the staff level is in ground floor! But this seem to have created two type of people......1st floor management people is called "upstairs people" and ground staff is called "downstairs people"
Ok back to the I'm sitting a floor with the management people......well there are some advantages and disadvantages to it.
Advantages will be such as I know a lot of information that I not suppose to know and disadvantages will be....since I know a lot of information....I'll die (get fire or redundancy) faster than other people.
Many staffs will come to me and ask things like "have you heard of such & such news/things?"....."do we have bonus this year?".........."do we have pay raise this year?"........"can we get salary today?"......."when will our company close for festive season?".....etc
THOU SHALL NOT TELL.........well if I know......I can't tell you guys.......sorry, I've been forewarn not to tell anything "high level information" to other staffs.
For staff the most important things will be the pay, bonus and pay raise. So far to my knowledge every year we can get bonus but we might not get pay raise yearly. The "downstairs people" always think that we "upstairs people" are not doing our job when they don't get either one of it. But the fact is, we really have do our part.......which include liaise with FC to proposed the bonus and pay raise to boss. So "upstairs people" always being critise by "downstairs people".....but I can't help it......I can't tell explain them!
~ Alpha
Then, what post do I hold that make me a floor will all these people while other sit at another floor?. Am I the FC Assistant?.....Assistant to the Executive of Accounts Dept? or Assistant to HR Head?.....Wrong! I'm in the clerical level! But most certainly not general clerk or office boy.haaahaaa
I'm in 1st floor which only have 4 people including myself....but on the ground floor we have 10 staffs (including boss)......and this make me all the staff level is in ground floor! But this seem to have created two type of people......1st floor management people is called "upstairs people" and ground staff is called "downstairs people"
Ok back to the I'm sitting a floor with the management people......well there are some advantages and disadvantages to it.
Advantages will be such as I know a lot of information that I not suppose to know and disadvantages will be....since I know a lot of information....I'll die (get fire or redundancy) faster than other people.
Many staffs will come to me and ask things like "have you heard of such & such news/things?"....."do we have bonus this year?".........."do we have pay raise this year?"........"can we get salary today?"......."when will our company close for festive season?".....etc
THOU SHALL NOT TELL.........well if I know......I can't tell you guys.......sorry, I've been forewarn not to tell anything "high level information" to other staffs.
For staff the most important things will be the pay, bonus and pay raise. So far to my knowledge every year we can get bonus but we might not get pay raise yearly. The "downstairs people" always think that we "upstairs people" are not doing our job when they don't get either one of it. But the fact is, we really have do our part.......which include liaise with FC to proposed the bonus and pay raise to boss. So "upstairs people" always being critise by "downstairs people".....but I can't help it......I can't tell explain them!
~ Alpha
Monday, January 23, 2006
Clearing Storeroom
Haiz~~~ after a great fish meal, I have to help in clearing the storeroom, it have invade by termite. Wow they do chew things fast.....only last month we have discover the already eat almost half of our records.....I'm wondering why the termite didn't call all it relative...and long-long distance relative to come along to help chew up ALL the records. It will help us a lot. At least we won't go there to repacks everything....
I just pity my other colleague, they start packing it since this morning and they miss out the fish feast. The after-effects is to great...they call for backup, so I was sent there :( to help re-categorize the records and pack it up. Luckily we manage to finish before 5pm......but still have some boxes are unseal as we run out of cellophane tape.....who cares we are all very tired.....we will attend to it later! Haahaaa
~ Alpha
I just pity my other colleague, they start packing it since this morning and they miss out the fish feast. The after-effects is to great...they call for backup, so I was sent there :( to help re-categorize the records and pack it up. Luckily we manage to finish before 5pm......but still have some boxes are unseal as we run out of cellophane tape.....who cares we are all very tired.....we will attend to it later! Haahaaa
~ Alpha
A Fish Feast.......Again
Well I think the Chinese New Year is around the corner.....that why my boss like to eat fish (fish = abundance) might bring great fortune to him. So today we go back to the same place again to have a fish feast. But this time is in a smaller scale. Previously we take 3 hours to complete our we only take 1 1/5 hours.
Initially we quite reluctant to go as it will take away most of our working hours......and will cause backlog (not to say we like to work!). But my boss tell us to go and he say this time it will only take us 2 hours.....we fast and the result is 1 1/5 hours. heeeehe
So this time we eat only 2 types of is Sei Tou Fish (make into fish ball) and a fish which I don't know it name. Beside that we also eat frog (tien kai)....this time is bigger than our previous one.....fried kangkung with 'belacan' and fried bitter gourd with fish meat.
~ Alpha
Initially we quite reluctant to go as it will take away most of our working hours......and will cause backlog (not to say we like to work!). But my boss tell us to go and he say this time it will only take us 2 hours.....we fast and the result is 1 1/5 hours. heeeehe
So this time we eat only 2 types of is Sei Tou Fish (make into fish ball) and a fish which I don't know it name. Beside that we also eat frog (tien kai)....this time is bigger than our previous one.....fried kangkung with 'belacan' and fried bitter gourd with fish meat.
~ Alpha
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Marriage, marriage & marriage
Ever since my sister marriage, everybody's eyes is looking at me! Today some family friends who are looking for my parents ask didn't go out meh? Today is dating ah? NO...that's my answer.
Do I look that desperate to marry somebody's daughter? Why all of you keep on pressuring me? Day and night....there are sure somebody standing near me to ask "when is your turn to get marry?" ......."do you need any recommendation?"........"that girl you don't like meh?"......."you consider her lah?" and the list go on.......
Luckily I have peace of mind during my night least I didn't dream of marriage. heeehe. But if these things keep on going....sooner or later.....I'll have nightmare on marriage!
SHY! that is everybody's perception towards me......if they don't have such perception, my father will plant it into their head...."my son is shy loh......that why until now he don't have gf loh".......then the next things to say will be "you recommend one for him lah"
Off and parent will mention Z and ask the same old question......."how old is Z?"......."you didn't call her ah?"......"she didn't call you ah?......."did you visit her at her work place?"....."where she stay?"....."how's her study?"........"how many paper left?"........"does she have bf?"........"do you like her or not?"......etc~ etc~
I DON'T KNOW! DON'T ASK ME ahhhhhhh!
As mention in my previous post.....the church visiting group and I did visit Z house few days ago.....but I can't remember whether I did told my parent or not about the visiting! But this is no longer important.....somehow they know it and blame me for withhold this info! It is getting worse as they are thinking I've been there for matchmaking. Noooooooo it really a normal church visit nothing else!
Please....please I'm begging all of you.......don't pressure me!
~ Alpha
Do I look that desperate to marry somebody's daughter? Why all of you keep on pressuring me? Day and night....there are sure somebody standing near me to ask "when is your turn to get marry?" ......."do you need any recommendation?"........"that girl you don't like meh?"......."you consider her lah?" and the list go on.......
Luckily I have peace of mind during my night least I didn't dream of marriage. heeehe. But if these things keep on going....sooner or later.....I'll have nightmare on marriage!
SHY! that is everybody's perception towards me......if they don't have such perception, my father will plant it into their head...."my son is shy loh......that why until now he don't have gf loh".......then the next things to say will be "you recommend one for him lah"
Off and parent will mention Z and ask the same old question......."how old is Z?"......."you didn't call her ah?"......"she didn't call you ah?......."did you visit her at her work place?"....."where she stay?"....."how's her study?"........"how many paper left?"........"does she have bf?"........"do you like her or not?"......etc~ etc~
I DON'T KNOW! DON'T ASK ME ahhhhhhh!
As mention in my previous post.....the church visiting group and I did visit Z house few days ago.....but I can't remember whether I did told my parent or not about the visiting! But this is no longer important.....somehow they know it and blame me for withhold this info! It is getting worse as they are thinking I've been there for matchmaking. Noooooooo it really a normal church visit nothing else!
Please....please I'm begging all of you.......don't pressure me!
~ Alpha
Saturday, January 21, 2006 you exist?
You might not have notice that this blog have 2 blogger.....which is Alpha & Omega and this have become our blog title. Why 2 blogger?......initially I thought I maynot have much things to write on this blog (still the same today), so to have a co-blogger will be great as to fill up the blog empty space. You might still wondering.....all this while this blog only have Alpha posting.......where is Omega? Is he real? The answer is YES....Omega is real.....he is not a fictitious entity that I've created. It is already hard to become 1 person......why should I bear the burden to pretend to be somebody else!! :)
Now Omega is busy attending his workload, so for the time being you will always hear from me. Omega will blog soon......pls be patient......I myself also waiting for his post.
~ Alpha
Now Omega is busy attending his workload, so for the time being you will always hear from me. Omega will blog soon......pls be patient......I myself also waiting for his post.
~ Alpha
Friday, January 20, 2006
A Fish Feast.......Consequences
Have you heard of people saying that you will vomit when you eat too full? Luckily I didn't vomit out although I'm really full until I have to skip my dinner. Nevertheless I have a mild diarrhea today. Not sure it is the fish or something else I eat. As I remember I didn't eat anything on yesterday night, but I did drink 2 glass of Chinese herb......could it cause diarrhea? Maybe both things didn't really make me sick.....but when this two come together it will become disaster! Anywhere I just guessing.
Now I need some rest.
~ Alpha
Now I need some rest.
~ Alpha
A Fish Feast
Yesterday, my colleague and I together with my boss having lunch. We thought it would be a normal lunch. Nope we have guess it wrongly.....we are having big fish feast. We eat 3 types of fish...these are the fish we normal people (poor people) won't eat......yeah it astronomical prices! So this restaurant is famous for fresh fish.......but you don't think that we all eat at a fancy fancy restaurant with waiter/waitress standing nearby you to serve you and with air conditional.......nope we take our lunch under some big trees waiter/waitress standing nearby to serve you.....they only show up few times to take the drinks and food to us and they will disappear from the scene. Okay...this restaurant harvest the fish daily from local river and they guarantee the fish is fresh. If my memory serve me right....this restaurant have been mention before in our local dailies which say they are the only restaurant serving the most freshest fish in town.
Sooooo what fish we eat?.....We eat Kelah fish (aka Sultan fish), Sai Tou fish (fish ball is made from this fish) & lastly but not least the Water Monkey fish (literally from Cantonese). I open my eyes widely to see on this Water Monkey have nothing resemble of monkey.....don't know why they name it so. I think people like to give animal name on the fish.....few years ago during my visit to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (a state famous for their sea food), they also give animal name on a fish.....they name it "Underwater Chicken" (direct translation from Cantonese)......I look at the got no resemble of chicken....and it got no feather! Why they have to mention 'chicken' on a fish? But after I've eat the fish.....I think I understand why....the flesh of the fish is sort like chicken the flesh is a bit tougher than normal fish !! But I haven't eat a monkey before I can't comment whether this Water Monkey fish have similar taste of a monkey flesh!
3 hours.......3 HOURS is the length of time we take our lunch this time! I think this is the 2nd longest meal we have been to. The 1st one is whereby we eat steamboat...and yeah we are having lunch with boss at that time (if not we have been fired long time ago) it also take us about 3 hours++. That is our 1st and the last time we take steamboat during our lunch time!.......furthermore the restaurant close shop few monts later!.....hmmm....hmm wondering this fish restaurant will close shop or not leh....heeeehee.
Feel good to have boss that always bring us out for meal everytime he had lunch at fancy restaurant except the 'Fish Feast'!
~ Alpha
Sooooo what fish we eat?.....We eat Kelah fish (aka Sultan fish), Sai Tou fish (fish ball is made from this fish) & lastly but not least the Water Monkey fish (literally from Cantonese). I open my eyes widely to see on this Water Monkey have nothing resemble of monkey.....don't know why they name it so. I think people like to give animal name on the fish.....few years ago during my visit to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (a state famous for their sea food), they also give animal name on a fish.....they name it "Underwater Chicken" (direct translation from Cantonese)......I look at the got no resemble of chicken....and it got no feather! Why they have to mention 'chicken' on a fish? But after I've eat the fish.....I think I understand why....the flesh of the fish is sort like chicken the flesh is a bit tougher than normal fish !! But I haven't eat a monkey before I can't comment whether this Water Monkey fish have similar taste of a monkey flesh!
3 hours.......3 HOURS is the length of time we take our lunch this time! I think this is the 2nd longest meal we have been to. The 1st one is whereby we eat steamboat...and yeah we are having lunch with boss at that time (if not we have been fired long time ago) it also take us about 3 hours++. That is our 1st and the last time we take steamboat during our lunch time!.......furthermore the restaurant close shop few monts later!.....hmmm....hmm wondering this fish restaurant will close shop or not leh....heeeehee.
Feel good to have boss that always bring us out for meal everytime he had lunch at fancy restaurant except the 'Fish Feast'!
~ Alpha
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Long Story.....(2)
Wow....u will not belief where I've been just now. I 've just back from visiting it is not is a coincident that church members want to visit her house which I am one the visiting group.....furthermore it is coincident that she is at home.....because in my mind thinking she will be still working! So we stay about 45 min to chit chat with Z and her mom, then we left. On our way back home, suddenly all sort of advice aiming at me!
Guy 1 : she is good ho?
Guy 2 : you two seem have a nice chat jz now!
Guy 1: think about it lah!
Guy 2 : if got time u should look for her lah! Both of you can try to be friend 1st. No need to think a lot right now.
Guy 1 & 2 : blaaaa....blahhhhh (advice).......
But one thing I have confirmed thru this visit.....Z is younger than me! Why.....why....this thing happen to it really coincident....or it is the arrangement of the Almighty One?
I'm dead meat now!
~ Alpha
Guy 1 : she is good ho?
Guy 2 : you two seem have a nice chat jz now!
Guy 1: think about it lah!
Guy 2 : if got time u should look for her lah! Both of you can try to be friend 1st. No need to think a lot right now.
Guy 1 & 2 : blaaaa....blahhhhh (advice).......
But one thing I have confirmed thru this visit.....Z is younger than me! Why.....why....this thing happen to it really coincident....or it is the arrangement of the Almighty One?
I'm dead meat now!
~ Alpha
Feel Blessed .......(2)
Today I hear some news about my friend with kidney problem. He is getting worse, as he is now in ICU. From what I understand, during don't know what procedure which required a tube to be insert thru his throat.....but during the procedure the nurse have injured his internal organ which cause his internal bleeding. Doctor transfer him to ICU for close monitor. So I don't know whether his internal bleeding getting worse or his kidney problem! But I do know that he need to have dialysis 3 times a week....for the time being to see the progress (if kidney still function, dialysis will stop), doctor also explain that his situation probably need dialysis in his entire life.....unless he do a transplant.....which is very dangerous. Poor guy (and also literally).....he got no EPF or Socso.....and he is from poor family even his friends don't want to tell his mom that he is in serious condition.
Feel blessed to have healthy life now.
~ Alpha
Feel blessed to have healthy life now.
~ Alpha
Long Story
Dear Omega,
Start what we have left out from our conversation this afternoon. So it begin at my lunch time. Today I take my lunch alone.....ALONE....look how lonely I am,
no....lah my colleagues go for shopping....i didn't follow them loh
. Then about half an hour later I return to my office . Hah! got 2 lady colleagues take their lunch at office
. They eat Maggie Mee I think. must be saying I'm very "cheong hei" (long winded) telling you so much detail. My story will begin patience.
So as usual loh....I go and flick the newspaper I forgot how their conversation started
....ooh ya....they ask me why I take my lunch alone, so I just say that I don't want go shopping (they take lunch quickly then go shopping)
Lady A : Shopping ah! I take very long time to choose and buy 1 cloth.
Alpha : then lady A, how about ur bf eh! ur bf know how to buy cloth for himself or u buy for him ah?
Lady A : he buy himself cloth very easy to buy one
Alpha : but i don't how to buy cloth punya wo...
Lady A & B : then how u buy cloth?
Alpha : when I buy cloth i take along my consultant (my younger sister) with me loh.
Lady B : then u should hv gf, next time you two can go shopping loh
Alpha : ha..haaa.
Lady A : u answer me honestly do you have gf?
Alpha : No loh
Lady A : so recently do u tackle any girls?
Alpha : got call, but she very bz....not time to talk/call me one!
Lady A : then if she continue to reject u, you better find another one loh
Lady B : u should not give up, you ask her out for lunch/dinner or for movie and etc....etc
Lady A : answer me honestly...have tackle any girls before?
Alpha : no loh
Lady A : now..guy need to make the 1st step.......bla....blahhhh (advice)
Lady A : you don't have friends or girls at church meh?
Alpha : most of my friends already marry ah....those that around my age already being "book" by other ppl, only left school going kids & "kakak-kakak"
Lady B : how about the one name Z, how old is she and how old is you?
Alpha : i'm **years old
Lady B : ok lah....tonite I'll call her to ask her age for you.
Alpha : i think Z is younger than me, last time i got ask her....but now I forgot what is her age.
Lady A : Lady B, when u call her make sure u don't tell her that Alpha want to tackle her, you know!
Lady B: I know!
Lady A : girls likes people that talk sweetly about them, actually all girls alike.
Alpha : I know, it call "beautiful lies" (mei li de huang yen).....I'll bear that in mind....anymore girls weakness you want to share with me?
Lady A : no loh....different girls got different weakness....blahhhh...bla.......
2.00pm I go back to my work desk
Lady B : do you really want to tackle Z, I can help you call her tonite to ask her age?
Alpha : no need loh, just now I only talk-talk.
Lady B : what lah....if need help u can call my husband....maybe he can teach you some useful things.
Alpha : ok..thanks.
I'm pathetic.
~ Alpha
Start what we have left out from our conversation this afternoon. So it begin at my lunch time. Today I take my lunch alone.....ALONE....look how lonely I am,
So as usual loh....I go and flick the newspaper I forgot how their conversation started
Lady A : Shopping ah! I take very long time to choose and buy 1 cloth.
Alpha : then lady A, how about ur bf eh! ur bf know how to buy cloth for himself or u buy for him ah?
Lady A : he buy himself cloth very easy to buy one
Alpha : but i don't how to buy cloth punya wo...
Lady A & B : then how u buy cloth?
Alpha : when I buy cloth i take along my consultant (my younger sister) with me loh.
Lady B : then u should hv gf, next time you two can go shopping loh
Alpha : ha..haaa.
Lady A : u answer me honestly do you have gf?
Alpha : No loh
Lady A : so recently do u tackle any girls?
Alpha : got call, but she very bz....not time to talk/call me one!
Lady A : then if she continue to reject u, you better find another one loh
Lady B : u should not give up, you ask her out for lunch/dinner or for movie and etc....etc
Lady A : answer me honestly...have tackle any girls before?
Alpha : no loh
Lady A : now..guy need to make the 1st step.......bla....blahhhh (advice)
Lady A : you don't have friends or girls at church meh?
Alpha : most of my friends already marry ah....those that around my age already being "book" by other ppl, only left school going kids & "kakak-kakak"
Lady B : how about the one name Z, how old is she and how old is you?
Alpha : i'm **years old
Lady B : ok lah....tonite I'll call her to ask her age for you.
Alpha : i think Z is younger than me, last time i got ask her....but now I forgot what is her age.
Lady A : Lady B, when u call her make sure u don't tell her that Alpha want to tackle her, you know!
Lady B: I know!
Lady A : girls likes people that talk sweetly about them, actually all girls alike.
Alpha : I know, it call "beautiful lies" (mei li de huang yen).....I'll bear that in mind....anymore girls weakness you want to share with me?
Lady A : no loh....different girls got different weakness....blahhhh...bla.......
2.00pm I go back to my work desk
Lady B : do you really want to tackle Z, I can help you call her tonite to ask her age?
Alpha : no need loh, just now I only talk-talk.
Lady B : what lah....if need help u can call my husband....maybe he can teach you some useful things.
Alpha : ok..thanks.
I'm pathetic.
~ Alpha
Monday, January 16, 2006
Weight Loss Ads Are Ridiculous
It is a hilarious post by kennysia....check it out, you will regret if u didn't! Just remember to read it till the end.
~ Alpha
~ Alpha
Sunday, January 15, 2006
My Movie Watching Day ~ Sunday
I jz finish watching Mr. & Mrs Smith. WoW...some of you might say I'm truly lagging behind, it's last year movie! Yes I admit I'm still far behind everyone in watching latest movie. Don't you presume that I don't like watching movies. I like movies a lot.....I love it. During those day I will usually sit in front of TV and watch it from dawn to dusk...... no lah....if I watch like that I'm blind now! So I really watch a lot of TV programs. "Cinema" quite a foreign word for me. Besides than being treat by others I won't step a foot inside the wonderful world call "cinema". Why...... ? I'm broke that why I didn't go loh. Hehe..
Until now I still seldom frequent cinema but it is better than those "day" least I'm able to watch about 2 to 4 movies a year. WHAT! 2 - 4 movies a year!! yes.....maybe for those who are cinema + movie buff it is nothing to be proud of.......yeah indeed I'm left behind compare to those cinema goer who help TGV or GSC to accumulate wealth by paying them weekly without fail.
But now......I'm watching movies at home.....nope..I didn't rent the movie......or buy it! It is very much thanks to the BT creator Bram Cohen. Don't know what is BT or the dude Bram Cohen? Here. Yup now I usually spend a lot of time to d/l movie and watch them to catch with you guys! hehe...
~ Alpha
Until now I still seldom frequent cinema but it is better than those "day" least I'm able to watch about 2 to 4 movies a year. WHAT! 2 - 4 movies a year!! yes.....maybe for those who are cinema + movie buff it is nothing to be proud of.......yeah indeed I'm left behind compare to those cinema goer who help TGV or GSC to accumulate wealth by paying them weekly without fail.
But now......I'm watching movies at home.....nope..I didn't rent the movie......or buy it! It is very much thanks to the BT creator Bram Cohen. Don't know what is BT or the dude Bram Cohen? Here. Yup now I usually spend a lot of time to d/l movie and watch them to catch with you guys! hehe...
~ Alpha
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Feel blessed
Just arrive home from my church service. Today's sermon make me ponder that I'm blessed, because I'm healthy. Few days ago I visit one friend in B.G Hospital. He is admitted there because of his kidney problem. I was told that he only have 1 kidney left as 10 years ago some sickness have cause one of his kidney to be taken out. Now I've found out that he is transfer to General Hospital as his sickness quite serious that require dialysis.
Few months ago I've visit my friend's father in General Hospital. His father have an accident and now he is laying in hospital paralysis....and blind but able to move only one hand. During my visit, he is still unconscious....with no scratch on the body, I'm thinking did he really have an accident? Until now I'm not very sure did he really have an accident, but I guess if he really have an accident could be that his head knock on hard surface that cause his unconsciousness and paralysis (head injury).
Two weeks ago my boss's wife together with her friends baking cookies and sell them, the proceeds will be donate to charity society (cancer society & etc). She ask us (office staff) help her to raise the fund by selling it. We, office staff help her and sell quite a number of container. I guess people are willing to buy because Chinese New Year is around the corner. They intend to make some goodwill by doing some charity. I myself also buy 1 container
I feel I'm to do some charity.
~ Alpha
Few months ago I've visit my friend's father in General Hospital. His father have an accident and now he is laying in hospital paralysis....and blind but able to move only one hand. During my visit, he is still unconscious....with no scratch on the body, I'm thinking did he really have an accident? Until now I'm not very sure did he really have an accident, but I guess if he really have an accident could be that his head knock on hard surface that cause his unconsciousness and paralysis (head injury).
Two weeks ago my boss's wife together with her friends baking cookies and sell them, the proceeds will be donate to charity society (cancer society & etc). She ask us (office staff) help her to raise the fund by selling it. We, office staff help her and sell quite a number of container. I guess people are willing to buy because Chinese New Year is around the corner. They intend to make some goodwill by doing some charity. I myself also buy 1 container

I feel I'm to do some charity.
~ Alpha
On 2nd thought
This morning i think to myself......maybe i should downgrade my expectation. Maybe I'll be very happy if this blog will list as the BEST ASIAN WEBLOG or BEST MALE ASIAN BLOG...... I truely admire their lively.......sooooo full of energy.
Oooh maybe i'm building castle in the air heeehe........
~ Alpha
Oooh maybe i'm building castle in the air heeehe........
~ Alpha
Friday, January 13, 2006
In the beginning......
hmmmm.... it have been almost 24 hours since my 1st welcome posting, but still no sign of Omega posting. Jz wondering will this blog last. Maybe Omega let me start first......ya that is the most logical reason since I'm the Alpha........"the beginning".
The blog is up but I'm wondering when will ppl notice our humble blog? Anywhere who want to read our stories.....we are nobody...we are not famous....but at least it will become our journal jotting our thought. But my mind are "popping-up" with the some questions "could our blog become famous and with a lot of reader"?? or "Will our blog listed as the best Bloggies in year 20XX?". Am I thinking toooo much.....check this out the Bloggies 2005 Winners. Maybe I'm attracted to the prize listed.....who doesn't? .......... waittttt ............... what the prize is only USD20.05 and....aand some free T-shirts. Ok....ok I think i'll stop blogging right now!...........jz least i'll get RM75.00 (RM = Ringgit Malaysia) IF I win! with RM75.00 I can ......can.....cannnnn....what I'm going to do with RM75.00!!??......let me think about it.....
So anybody like to make suggestion to me?.....ooooh jz only me....talking alone.
~ Alpha
The blog is up but I'm wondering when will ppl notice our humble blog? Anywhere who want to read our stories.....we are nobody...we are not famous....but at least it will become our journal jotting our thought. But my mind are "popping-up" with the some questions "could our blog become famous and with a lot of reader"?? or "Will our blog listed as the best Bloggies in year 20XX?". Am I thinking toooo much.....check this out the Bloggies 2005 Winners. Maybe I'm attracted to the prize listed.....who doesn't? .......... waittttt ............... what the prize is only USD20.05 and....aand some free T-shirts. Ok....ok I think i'll stop blogging right now!...........jz least i'll get RM75.00 (RM = Ringgit Malaysia) IF I win! with RM75.00 I can ......can.....cannnnn....what I'm going to do with RM75.00!!??......let me think about it.....
So anybody like to make suggestion to me?.....ooooh jz only me....talking alone.
~ Alpha
Thursday, January 12, 2006
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