So as usual Friday night, I will take the gospel van to fetch some members for night service. After reaching the 1st house, I proceed to the 2nd member house. To reach the 2nd member house we usualy will take a short cut. A short but narrow road.
But yesterday when I reach there, on the left hand side of the road there is a small trench. Not sure the drench is for drainage or laying piping system. What I know is that it quite deep.
Thinking I could go through the road, half way I see a backhoe is working at the other end. Well I just reverse the van. Ooops wrong move. The van got stuck on the loose earth. I try to move forward...nope it didn't move....try to reverse ....nope it also didn't move.
Luckily there is still some worker nearby. So they tell me to move forward while they will push the van from behind and they say I can't reverse anymore or else it will fall down the trench. Fortunate the van got stuck or else it will sure inside the trench.
It's really bad, even with the help of 'man-power' the van still didn't budge. No come the backhoe! A chain is use to help the backhoe to pull the van move forward. Yesssss, it work! So it time to reverse back to the main road.
Haiz~~~still stuck. Luckily a god send hilux is there (i really don't know where it come from). So using the chain again and the hilux (4x4) to pull the van back to the main road.
At last I'm free.....oppps....the van is free. After thanking those guys I proceed to fetch the members.


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