Sunday, November 12, 2006
New Generation of School Kids
Guess what, today's kid no longer naive or innocent as those of yesteryear. Having dinner yesterday with few school going youth is an eye opening to me.
Since one of the youth is sort of a counsellor prefect, he tell us some of his school type counsel patient case. Well the story ranging from anxiety/stress of exam to the death of kitten. But one particular story catch my attention.
This patient of his is a sissy type student having a big crush on his classmate (just name him Student A). My friend only handle this case on the initial state as it have to hand over to the teacher to solve it (too complicated for youth to solve the problem). From what he know this Student A is a very popular guy plus he is a athlete. Hmmm...must be very handsome and with all those biceps and...well just do some imagination yourself...hehehe.
Student A also likes this sissy guy. But must be Student A have confusion over his sexual preference cause him to be dump and the sissy guy seek counsel. According my friend, Student A said that he likes both male & have to blame his imbalance hormone.
So my point is....during my day as student I've never heard of such incident happen. What we got is just normal boy have crush on girl...girls have crush on boy....etc.....but not of gay/lesbian type of case.
Where will the this lead to??? What happen to this world????
Since one of the youth is sort of a counsellor prefect, he tell us some of his school type counsel patient case. Well the story ranging from anxiety/stress of exam to the death of kitten. But one particular story catch my attention.
This patient of his is a sissy type student having a big crush on his classmate (just name him Student A). My friend only handle this case on the initial state as it have to hand over to the teacher to solve it (too complicated for youth to solve the problem). From what he know this Student A is a very popular guy plus he is a athlete. Hmmm...must be very handsome and with all those biceps and...well just do some imagination yourself...hehehe.
Student A also likes this sissy guy. But must be Student A have confusion over his sexual preference cause him to be dump and the sissy guy seek counsel. According my friend, Student A said that he likes both male & have to blame his imbalance hormone.
So my point is....during my day as student I've never heard of such incident happen. What we got is just normal boy have crush on girl...girls have crush on boy....etc.....but not of gay/lesbian type of case.
Where will the this lead to??? What happen to this world????
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Short-Cut = Disaster
Thought that I have nothing to write, but suddenly I've encounter a scaring experience.
So as usual Friday night, I will take the gospel van to fetch some members for night service. After reaching the 1st house, I proceed to the 2nd member house. To reach the 2nd member house we usualy will take a short cut. A short but narrow road.
But yesterday when I reach there, on the left hand side of the road there is a small trench. Not sure the drench is for drainage or laying piping system. What I know is that it quite deep.
Thinking I could go through the road, half way I see a backhoe is working at the other end. Well I just reverse the van. Ooops wrong move. The van got stuck on the loose earth. I try to move forward...nope it didn't move....try to reverse ....nope it also didn't move.
Luckily there is still some worker nearby. So they tell me to move forward while they will push the van from behind and they say I can't reverse anymore or else it will fall down the trench. Fortunate the van got stuck or else it will sure inside the trench.
It's really bad, even with the help of 'man-power' the van still didn't budge. No come the backhoe! A chain is use to help the backhoe to pull the van move forward. Yesssss, it work! So it time to reverse back to the main road.
Haiz~~~still stuck. Luckily a god send hilux is there (i really don't know where it come from). So using the chain again and the hilux (4x4) to pull the van back to the main road.
At last I'm free.....oppps....the van is free. After thanking those guys I proceed to fetch the members.


So as usual Friday night, I will take the gospel van to fetch some members for night service. After reaching the 1st house, I proceed to the 2nd member house. To reach the 2nd member house we usualy will take a short cut. A short but narrow road.
But yesterday when I reach there, on the left hand side of the road there is a small trench. Not sure the drench is for drainage or laying piping system. What I know is that it quite deep.
Thinking I could go through the road, half way I see a backhoe is working at the other end. Well I just reverse the van. Ooops wrong move. The van got stuck on the loose earth. I try to move forward...nope it didn't move....try to reverse ....nope it also didn't move.
Luckily there is still some worker nearby. So they tell me to move forward while they will push the van from behind and they say I can't reverse anymore or else it will fall down the trench. Fortunate the van got stuck or else it will sure inside the trench.
It's really bad, even with the help of 'man-power' the van still didn't budge. No come the backhoe! A chain is use to help the backhoe to pull the van move forward. Yesssss, it work! So it time to reverse back to the main road.
Haiz~~~still stuck. Luckily a god send hilux is there (i really don't know where it come from). So using the chain again and the hilux (4x4) to pull the van back to the main road.
At last I'm free.....oppps....the van is free. After thanking those guys I proceed to fetch the members.


Friday, November 10, 2006
I Just Don't Know
Well I promise to update the blog & gave a face-lift to my blog. But it didn't realize. Furthermore I found out that I really don't know how to refurnish my blog....haha....
I think I have to put aside my idea of refurnish my need to concentrate on writing something of it.
Thinking.....still...thinking...what to write.....
I think I have to put aside my idea of refurnish my need to concentrate on writing something of it.
Thinking.....still...thinking...what to write.....
Friday, September 08, 2006
Revival of the blog
I know...I know I've abandon this blog for few months. As usual I'm BUSY.....actually I'm LAZY...hehe.
But worry I'll update this blog very soon with the new face-lift.
Watch out for this space...
But worry I'll update this blog very soon with the new face-lift.
Watch out for this space...
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Coconut Tarts

Tada...., my creation.... it is delicious. Not too sweet as I've reduce the amount of sugar. The filling almost not enough to put into my 40 plus pastry. So I've to reduce the amount of filling into each of the pastry. See the pic...the filling is not evenly distributed.
As you can see the pic that some pastry look darker than my oven, the heat is uneven. The back of the oven is much more hotter than the front one.
Over all.....I've successfully bake coconut tarts.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
What am I blogging?
I'm wondering why I keep on blogging about baking cakes or tarts. I know....I know.... because there aren't anything particular happening around me beside than what I'm doing now.
Am I turning the blog to become a culinary or bakery blog? Or I should rename the blog.... "ALPHA BAKERY BLOG". next project will be Coconut Tarts.
~ Alpha
Am I turning the blog to become a culinary or bakery blog? Or I should rename the blog.... "ALPHA BAKERY BLOG". next project will be Coconut Tarts.
~ Alpha
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Egg Tart

Today I bake the egg tart. The result is quite disappointing. This is my second time making tart.
My 1st attempt is making sweet potato tarts. It rather unsuccessful. So back to my egg tart, it is too sweet, I don't know is it my fault that I measure the sugar wrongly or is the recipe.
Besides that the egg tart have burn mark around it filling. I think I've over bake it.
Well, I'll try to make it better next time.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Alpha & Omega Are Twin?
A very interesting question ask by a reader.
No. Alpha & Omega aren't twin. We are just friends. Omega lives in Singapore while I'm stuck in a country called Malaysia.
Supposedly this blog is for us to co-contribute where we can write our daily experience or our thought. But since the start of the blog...only I myself write on it....while Omega haven't contribute anything yet.
Well instead of Alpha & Omega, I think I should change the blog to Alpha only.
So you can see this blog are struggling to survive. I'll try my best to blog more frequent.
No. Alpha & Omega aren't twin. We are just friends. Omega lives in Singapore while I'm stuck in a country called Malaysia.
Supposedly this blog is for us to co-contribute where we can write our daily experience or our thought. But since the start of the blog...only I myself write on it....while Omega haven't contribute anything yet.
Well instead of Alpha & Omega, I think I should change the blog to Alpha only.
So you can see this blog are struggling to survive. I'll try my best to blog more frequent.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
My Next Project
Maybe on the coming Thursday I'll bake Egg Tarts. Haven't bake it before. Hope it will success.
I'll post some photos of it, if I success in baking the tarts.
I'll post some photos of it, if I success in baking the tarts.
A Guy Who Can Cook & Bake
Well I can't say I a good cook or a great pastry chef.....but I have interest in the area. I keen to learn the new recipe. But I still got no guts to try every recipe that makes my saliva dripping from my mouth. Still need to think of costs before buying the ingredient.
So far I've invest some money to buy baking utensils. Buying only the utensil that I will use frequent.
Everybody will have one kind of look when they know I could bake cakes. Yeah guys seldom cook or bake. Oops now many guys cook for girls. There is a trainee working in my office few weeks ago...he said that he cook for his friends at their rented house. Well according to him the girls don't know how to cook. No offence here! But I also didn't deny the truth from what i see and hear that nowaday girls is not what girls used to be last time.
The trainee intend to become a chefs....but his parent object, so he take other subject to study.
Till now beside then the trainee, I haven't really meet a guy that have the same interest as mine. Is it really that difficult to look for one?
So far I've invest some money to buy baking utensils. Buying only the utensil that I will use frequent.
Everybody will have one kind of look when they know I could bake cakes. Yeah guys seldom cook or bake. Oops now many guys cook for girls. There is a trainee working in my office few weeks ago...he said that he cook for his friends at their rented house. Well according to him the girls don't know how to cook. No offence here! But I also didn't deny the truth from what i see and hear that nowaday girls is not what girls used to be last time.
The trainee intend to become a chefs....but his parent object, so he take other subject to study.
Till now beside then the trainee, I haven't really meet a guy that have the same interest as mine. Is it really that difficult to look for one?
Caving VS Baking
Last Sunday I have a chance to go caving. But I intend to bake a cake on the same day. Initially I think I could go caving in the morning and bake the cake afterward. After a rasional thinking, I won't be able to bake after I went for caving. Which I should I choose?
Well I choose to bake cake. Afterall I've been to that place for caving before, why waste my time to go there again!
So I decided to bake a wonderful cake......a Rich Moist Chocolate Cake. It turn out quite successful. It soft, it didn't peak in the center but the bottom of the cake is easy to crumble. Still don't know the reason yet. Maybe I didn't use the correct size cake tin.
I did give some to my friends to taste it......and .....everybody like it.
Happy to hear it.
Well I choose to bake cake. Afterall I've been to that place for caving before, why waste my time to go there again!
So I decided to bake a wonderful cake......a Rich Moist Chocolate Cake. It turn out quite successful. It soft, it didn't peak in the center but the bottom of the cake is easy to crumble. Still don't know the reason yet. Maybe I didn't use the correct size cake tin.
I did give some to my friends to taste it......and .....everybody like it.
Happy to hear it.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
It Taste Awful
Today I bake Almond turn out well, but I dislike the taste. Why do I bake it at the first place?
I thought the Almond cake should be nice to eat since my chocolate almond buter cake taste so good! It is out of my expectation that it is really hard to eat.
I'll never bake Almond Cake again.
I thought the Almond cake should be nice to eat since my chocolate almond buter cake taste so good! It is out of my expectation that it is really hard to eat.
I'll never bake Almond Cake again.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
My Site Meter
Although I seldom update my blog....I always check my site meter statistic. What I'm looking for.......??? I expecting when will my blog will have many viewer/reader.
I think I still have long way to run to achieve that. Many of them just pass thru my blog or just have a glance before moving to other blog.
Well I admit my blog is not so interesting.
Haiz .....
I think I still have long way to run to achieve that. Many of them just pass thru my blog or just have a glance before moving to other blog.
Well I admit my blog is not so interesting.
Haiz .....
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Chocolate Almond Butter Cake

I bake this cake today. Its look have wrinkles. I guess I've taken out from the oven too quick (hot air and cold air mix together) which have cause the wrinkles.
Taste is quite good but a bit dry. Still can't figure out why. Maybe not enough eggs or I've over bake it.
Anyone can help me? Criticism are also welcome.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Being Adopted Son/Daughter......(2)
When people ask me how many siblings do I have. I'll think for a moment and will reply...."I have another 2 sibling" (exclude P)......but depend on situation ....sometimes I'll say I have 3 other sibling (include P).
I'm very scare when people ask me question on "how many sibling do I have". I scare that when I say I have 2 other sibling, on the other side my sister telling people we have 3 sibling, then we'll die....having to explain to them.
At one time my sister and I study in the same collegue but different class. So as usually on the beginning of semester some lecturer will get know the student by having casual chat. Well got one particular lecture did ask me THE I say 2 sibling. This lecture also teach at my sister class. I just hope the lecture won't ask my sister the same question. When I have chance I go and meet with my sister and inform her about the matter. I think from that day onwards our answer have been standardise no matter who ask or in what situation.
This is not to say we do not accept P, but it is more easier for us ..... by not having to explain where is P, what is P doing now or never heard of P being our sister and other sort of questions.
It is very difficult for us to reply when people start asking about P. Well we just don't mention about P to other people then this will solve our problem. So till now (except close friends) many still don't know I have another elder sister.
Lately I've found out another contradiction on our answer. All my sibling answer to THE Question is that "I have 2 more sibling". But my parent say they have 4 children. So far the problem haven't arise yet. Well hope other people won't found out.
~ Alpha
I'm very scare when people ask me question on "how many sibling do I have". I scare that when I say I have 2 other sibling, on the other side my sister telling people we have 3 sibling, then we'll die....having to explain to them.
At one time my sister and I study in the same collegue but different class. So as usually on the beginning of semester some lecturer will get know the student by having casual chat. Well got one particular lecture did ask me THE I say 2 sibling. This lecture also teach at my sister class. I just hope the lecture won't ask my sister the same question. When I have chance I go and meet with my sister and inform her about the matter. I think from that day onwards our answer have been standardise no matter who ask or in what situation.
This is not to say we do not accept P, but it is more easier for us ..... by not having to explain where is P, what is P doing now or never heard of P being our sister and other sort of questions.
It is very difficult for us to reply when people start asking about P. Well we just don't mention about P to other people then this will solve our problem. So till now (except close friends) many still don't know I have another elder sister.
Lately I've found out another contradiction on our answer. All my sibling answer to THE Question is that "I have 2 more sibling". But my parent say they have 4 children. So far the problem haven't arise yet. Well hope other people won't found out.
~ Alpha
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Being Adopted Son/Daughter
How do you feel when you first know you are adopted child? Do you have many question than answer? You like to know who is your biological parents? You are curious whether you have any biological siblings?
I don't know.........I'm not adopted child! But my eldest sister is. Lets name her P
As a kid P is sort like a stranger in my life. I seldom have chance to see her as we didn't live together. She live with my grandmother while I......I live with my parents and other siblings in another house around 30 min journey.
P very seldom come to my house and when my father bring us to visit grandmother every weekend, I also couldn't meet her. She is like someone related to me (as she is my sister) yet she is far from me.
As a kid I will be very happy if I could see her and have her around my family for a couple of minutes or hours before she vanish again and don't know when will we meet again.
Yeah, I also remember I didn't talk much or play with her as our wide age gap. I'm only a small kid when she already a youth.
A youth is the most rebellious. P is no exception and even hard to control when she already know she is adopted child. Strange things do happen, P accept my father as her father but not my mother. So it is another history/story why P do not accept my mother.
I still remember my mother say P is very difficult to teach/discipline as she is adopted. She will not listen to what my mother say.
There is a period of time, P really don't like my mother. Yes it is during the time when P is already working. When P call back home, she sometimes will ask "is your mom home?". My 2nd sister did ask why it is "my mom" and not "our mom". The reply is "she is really your mom and not my mom". Well what she say is me when I'm just a teenager that time!
Time really can change a person. When P is married and have kids....P relation with my mother improve tremendously. Out from P own mouth she say "during young time, I don't have a mature thinking, now is different after having own family and kids". Well I think P finally realize that what my mom do or say means well to her. Yeah...when P call back home no longer she say "your mom" become "mom".
So P marry to a businessman and live in another state. Her life is much more better than us (we are from poor family). She didn't leave us, she help us. My mother think P help us because she was move by God. As I say we are from poor father don't own a house (we live in a rented house) or a car.
P purposely buy a new house for us to stay. P know we don't have money to buy new furniture.....she bear most of the cost.....including house renovation cost. Living in a new township is not convenient to move around....P give her car to my father. Well now I'm living in a very comfortable house and got car to ride. :)
~ Alpha
I don't know.........I'm not adopted child! But my eldest sister is. Lets name her P
As a kid P is sort like a stranger in my life. I seldom have chance to see her as we didn't live together. She live with my grandmother while I......I live with my parents and other siblings in another house around 30 min journey.
P very seldom come to my house and when my father bring us to visit grandmother every weekend, I also couldn't meet her. She is like someone related to me (as she is my sister) yet she is far from me.
As a kid I will be very happy if I could see her and have her around my family for a couple of minutes or hours before she vanish again and don't know when will we meet again.
Yeah, I also remember I didn't talk much or play with her as our wide age gap. I'm only a small kid when she already a youth.
A youth is the most rebellious. P is no exception and even hard to control when she already know she is adopted child. Strange things do happen, P accept my father as her father but not my mother. So it is another history/story why P do not accept my mother.
I still remember my mother say P is very difficult to teach/discipline as she is adopted. She will not listen to what my mother say.
There is a period of time, P really don't like my mother. Yes it is during the time when P is already working. When P call back home, she sometimes will ask "is your mom home?". My 2nd sister did ask why it is "my mom" and not "our mom". The reply is "she is really your mom and not my mom". Well what she say is me when I'm just a teenager that time!
Time really can change a person. When P is married and have kids....P relation with my mother improve tremendously. Out from P own mouth she say "during young time, I don't have a mature thinking, now is different after having own family and kids". Well I think P finally realize that what my mom do or say means well to her. Yeah...when P call back home no longer she say "your mom" become "mom".
So P marry to a businessman and live in another state. Her life is much more better than us (we are from poor family). She didn't leave us, she help us. My mother think P help us because she was move by God. As I say we are from poor father don't own a house (we live in a rented house) or a car.
P purposely buy a new house for us to stay. P know we don't have money to buy new furniture.....she bear most of the cost.....including house renovation cost. Living in a new township is not convenient to move around....P give her car to my father. Well now I'm living in a very comfortable house and got car to ride. :)
~ Alpha
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Lately I'm Very Forgetful
Yeah, now I easy can forget something. Just few days ago, as usual I go to church to take the gospel van to fetch church member for service. When I arrive at the front door I realize I've forgotten the pin number. I can't access into the church! For months I've been able to key in the number but why now I can't remember the pin number?
Since the increment I've found out I'm really slowly walking towards a place called "Never ending work load". I need to arrange a lot of things and many more things to think of and also a lot of planning in my mind. My worries (job related matters) have increased. No wonder I've more grey hair now!
I remember those day, when I'm still a junior in the company I don't have worries. I just do my things and any problem will be hand back to senior to solve. When I chat with friends, I heard them saying they have a lot of pressure. Well I'm gladly say I don't have. At that time my job is easy, repetitive and dull.
After years of enjoying a happy and easy life, it is time for me to bear more responsible. My Accounts Executive pass me a company to take care. Is a newly establish company which the core business is a plantation sector.
I will be responsible for the daily affair of the company which including accounts/human resources/ordering material and other related function. I'm only an accounts clerk and I have to do all these things. Nevermind I learn.
Nothing much to do in the first few months, now it has been 3rd year since I take over. The work load slowly increase. The company have 13,000 acres of land. Fully develop only 3,000 acres and now the opening area is bigger and bigger. The work will be more and more. Up until now I don't have assistant to help me as I still can manage myself. I don't know what will happen once they fully develop the whole 13,000 acres of land.
My worries does not stop here. Recently my company have interest in buying 2nd land which is about 10,000 acres and a 3rd land if successful will also be about 10,000 acres. OMG!
Will all these new land or newly establish company for the new land under me? I just don't know.
Since the increment I've found out I'm really slowly walking towards a place called "Never ending work load". I need to arrange a lot of things and many more things to think of and also a lot of planning in my mind. My worries (job related matters) have increased. No wonder I've more grey hair now!
I remember those day, when I'm still a junior in the company I don't have worries. I just do my things and any problem will be hand back to senior to solve. When I chat with friends, I heard them saying they have a lot of pressure. Well I'm gladly say I don't have. At that time my job is easy, repetitive and dull.
After years of enjoying a happy and easy life, it is time for me to bear more responsible. My Accounts Executive pass me a company to take care. Is a newly establish company which the core business is a plantation sector.
I will be responsible for the daily affair of the company which including accounts/human resources/ordering material and other related function. I'm only an accounts clerk and I have to do all these things. Nevermind I learn.
Nothing much to do in the first few months, now it has been 3rd year since I take over. The work load slowly increase. The company have 13,000 acres of land. Fully develop only 3,000 acres and now the opening area is bigger and bigger. The work will be more and more. Up until now I don't have assistant to help me as I still can manage myself. I don't know what will happen once they fully develop the whole 13,000 acres of land.
My worries does not stop here. Recently my company have interest in buying 2nd land which is about 10,000 acres and a 3rd land if successful will also be about 10,000 acres. OMG!
Will all these new land or newly establish company for the new land under me? I just don't know.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Moody Week
At last with courage I sms the 'girl' (which my parent like) telling her I wish to 'know her better'...blah..blah..'I will understand & is ok if she just want to be friend'....blah...bla.....
5min......10min........30 morning!.....still no news from her. My mind are full of she rejecting me?........or need few days time to think?.....or keep silent don't know how to react?
Okay, I sms her hoping she still got a good nite sleep after reading my sms. After waiting for ages....she reply my sms...'i got good nite sleep'. Well at least this is a good sign as she not trying to avoid me!
I sms her few more messages.....well it goes unreply.......nevermind I wait to call her at call unanswer.
Nevermind I call her next morning......still unanswer....I start to she avoiding my call/sms?
I sms her telling her how worry I am (for her safety) when calls is unanswer. Again after waiting for ages....she reply....'she is okay.....boss around.......very busy'. I sms her again telling her I'll call her at nite........she reply....'stock count next month, now need to do preparation, will be back late'
Then I ask 'how late....bla..bla...I wont' call you if it is really late'. My sms again goes unreply.
How should I judge her reaction? Is she rejecting me? Is she permit me to know her better? or She didn't have time to think...she is just too busy?
From my previous sms with her......I've come to realize that almost every sms that she reply have the word "BUSY". Is she that busy...until she didn't answer my call and reply my sms?
I just don't know. This have really affect my work.....really no mood to work. I just can't figure out what she want. I prefer her to say 'I don't like you' or 'ok let us know each other better' rather than waiting.....waiting...and waiting.
What I'm waiting now? I don't know. Today is the 2nd day I didn't sms or call her. She in turn didn't call me or sms me.
Other people telling me that she is busy....and she have a tired sound when speak on the phone. Is she that busy?
Although my office is very very near to her work place, it seem far.....far away. Even to have lunch with her is a very tough task.....'ok I'll have lunch with you.....a very quick lunch'.....
"A Very Quick Lunch"
But it also didn't realise yet.
I just don't know what to do now. Okay I've make up my mind....I just give her few more days, if she still have no respond.....I just ask her directly what she want? or I can just forget about her.
Maybe.....maybe she is not my EVE!
5min......10min........30 morning!.....still no news from her. My mind are full of she rejecting me?........or need few days time to think?.....or keep silent don't know how to react?
Okay, I sms her hoping she still got a good nite sleep after reading my sms. After waiting for ages....she reply my sms...'i got good nite sleep'. Well at least this is a good sign as she not trying to avoid me!
I sms her few more messages.....well it goes unreply.......nevermind I wait to call her at call unanswer.
Nevermind I call her next morning......still unanswer....I start to she avoiding my call/sms?
I sms her telling her how worry I am (for her safety) when calls is unanswer. Again after waiting for ages....she reply....'she is okay.....boss around.......very busy'. I sms her again telling her I'll call her at nite........she reply....'stock count next month, now need to do preparation, will be back late'
Then I ask 'how late....bla..bla...I wont' call you if it is really late'. My sms again goes unreply.
How should I judge her reaction? Is she rejecting me? Is she permit me to know her better? or She didn't have time to think...she is just too busy?
From my previous sms with her......I've come to realize that almost every sms that she reply have the word "BUSY". Is she that busy...until she didn't answer my call and reply my sms?
I just don't know. This have really affect my work.....really no mood to work. I just can't figure out what she want. I prefer her to say 'I don't like you' or 'ok let us know each other better' rather than waiting.....waiting...and waiting.
What I'm waiting now? I don't know. Today is the 2nd day I didn't sms or call her. She in turn didn't call me or sms me.
Other people telling me that she is busy....and she have a tired sound when speak on the phone. Is she that busy?
Although my office is very very near to her work place, it seem far.....far away. Even to have lunch with her is a very tough task.....'ok I'll have lunch with you.....a very quick lunch'.....
"A Very Quick Lunch"
But it also didn't realise yet.
I just don't know what to do now. Okay I've make up my mind....I just give her few more days, if she still have no respond.....I just ask her directly what she want? or I can just forget about her.
Maybe.....maybe she is not my EVE!
Friday, March 03, 2006
Sleeping Pay?!!

Venue : At a restaurant
Time : 1:00pm
Occasion : A supplier treat my boss and staffs for lunch
Extract of conversation......
Supplier : Oh you two are pregnant (my colleague), is this your first baby.
Colleague 1 & 2 : Yes
Supplier : First time deliver must be very painful
Boss : What painful, I'm the one who are painful. I have to pay them 2 months salary during their maternity period! Make sure you all come back to work on time, you know!
My boss will be unease when his staff is pregnant as when the time come, he have to continue to pay them salary for at least 60 days (2 months) during their maternity period.
So unfortunate that this year 2 of my colleague are pregnant and the delivery date is just 2 weeks apart. Well not only he have to pay them "sleeping pay" but also have to face the shortages of staffs.
The other things are my boss like to give comments that will make the pregnant staff unease. I remember hearing from my colleague that one day the boss say "Wow your belly is so big lah"....."Belly so big, not yet deliver meh?"
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Should You Quit Your Job?
Your Job Dissatisfaction Level is 0% |
Sure, no job is perfect - but yours is pretty close. You're respected by your co-workers and boss. Plus, you usually get credit for your successes. Don't quit, unless you know you've got something better lined up. |
Can you believe my result? It is unbelievable....."Your Job Dissatisfaction Level Is 0%"
At times I feel I want to change my job, to change my working environment, to earn a better pay and to know more people. Well guess what! this result tell me I shouldn't leave my current job.
Now with pay just increased....I just can't run to work at another company....for the time being, right!
What say you?
"V" For Victory
My HR Head call me, Boss have nod his head to our increment.
But I still do not know how much is my increment, as she is on her way back home and my Financial Controller called her to inform the good news.
Finally after waited for 1 year and 29 days our salary will be increased.
But I still do not know how much is my increment, as she is on her way back home and my Financial Controller called her to inform the good news.
Finally after waited for 1 year and 29 days our salary will be increased.
Well He Really Can Help!
Today my Financial Controller (FC) come back from outstation and I'm preparing Company B's salary. So it is good timing for me to inform him about the pay raise for Company B's staffs.
I take the cheques and the voucher for him to check and sign....while he signing the voucher I say to him
"Just to let you know, Boss have agreed to increase the pay for Company B's staff"
"Okay, I'll talk to boss."
So I went out from his room.
FC intercom my HR Head requesting a fresh name list. Wow at least it is the beginning of good sign.
Just a minute.....why my HR Head stay inside my FC room for so long?.....From rumor I heard my FC have a incident on the recent business trip which make him "lose face". I haven't know the full detail yet.
Besides that he already know the increment in Company B. My Manager sms him. He don't like it.....the way my manager act (bypass the FC).
Luckily we didn't direct request from Boss, we know he didn't like bypass him.
I personally think if my Manager didn't directly request from boss, my FC will take his own sweet time to request increment for our behalf. So now since the Company B have increment, he must be fair and have to request increment for Company A's staff.
I take the cheques and the voucher for him to check and sign....while he signing the voucher I say to him
"Just to let you know, Boss have agreed to increase the pay for Company B's staff"
"Okay, I'll talk to boss."
So I went out from his room.
FC intercom my HR Head requesting a fresh name list. Wow at least it is the beginning of good sign.
Just a minute.....why my HR Head stay inside my FC room for so long?.....From rumor I heard my FC have a incident on the recent business trip which make him "lose face". I haven't know the full detail yet.
Besides that he already know the increment in Company B. My Manager sms him. He don't like it.....the way my manager act (bypass the FC).
Luckily we didn't direct request from Boss, we know he didn't like bypass him.
I personally think if my Manager didn't directly request from boss, my FC will take his own sweet time to request increment for our behalf. So now since the Company B have increment, he must be fair and have to request increment for Company A's staff.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Thank You
Blog Readers Are Biased

Karl Thimblethorpe
If this is me, yes me....will you come back to read my blog everyday?
If I am as sexy as this Karl Thimblethorpe or as handsome as him, will I attract more people to read my blog?
Carry on to read the rest of the story by MARVELGAL.
Can You Help Me?
On 27th Feb 2006, 11.48pm my friend sms me telling that the petrol price will increase and quickly fill up my fuel tank. Its close to midnight and this guy ask me to go out and fill me tank! Forget about it.
28th Feb 2006, newspaper frontpage......Petrol price increase RM0.30/lit. Nowadays the Government like to make decision in the middle of the night. They make the annoucement at 10.30pm (27/02/2006) and will be effective at midnight.
With petrol price increase, everything will increase soon. Only one thing didn't SALARY!
28th Feb 2006, (noon).....I send my Financial Controller (FC)to board the plane. During the journey I hints to him that it is the time for him to request from the Boss for increment! It a very...very reasonable request from the Boss since we didn't get increment for year 2005 and this year! Every year the company is making profit, why can't they increase our pay!
1st Mar 2006, one of my manager ask me whether there is any news on increment for the staffs. news. So I tell him to remember me if he is going to request from the boss.
"Sorry you are not my direct staff, I can't help you"
This is the answer I get!
I know my situation is a bit complicated because Company A hire me and Company A have a related company (Company B) which I'm now in charge of the accounts/HR/etc. The manager is from Company B and he is right that I'm not directly under him.....but now I work under him, isn't he have the rights to request pay raise for me?
So forget about the manager, now I will focus on my FC, hope once he is back from outstation he will request pay raise for us.
12.00 Noon, Boss come into the office
Boss : Alpha pls come to my office
(I enter Boss office)
Boss : You prepare the salary for the Company B's staff with the proposed increment from the Manager, increment effective Feb'06 but back pay the Manager since Jan'06.
WoW, my manager have such a great influence on my boss. This have prove 2 FC is useless after proposed few times to my boss for increment still have no news. Secondly, maybe my FC didn't proposed to my boss at all, which he say he did when we ask him.
One with great influence but not my direct superior. One is my direct superior but useless. Who will help me then?
28th Feb 2006, newspaper frontpage......Petrol price increase RM0.30/lit. Nowadays the Government like to make decision in the middle of the night. They make the annoucement at 10.30pm (27/02/2006) and will be effective at midnight.
With petrol price increase, everything will increase soon. Only one thing didn't SALARY!
28th Feb 2006, (noon).....I send my Financial Controller (FC)to board the plane. During the journey I hints to him that it is the time for him to request from the Boss for increment! It a very...very reasonable request from the Boss since we didn't get increment for year 2005 and this year! Every year the company is making profit, why can't they increase our pay!
1st Mar 2006, one of my manager ask me whether there is any news on increment for the staffs. news. So I tell him to remember me if he is going to request from the boss.
"Sorry you are not my direct staff, I can't help you"
This is the answer I get!
I know my situation is a bit complicated because Company A hire me and Company A have a related company (Company B) which I'm now in charge of the accounts/HR/etc. The manager is from Company B and he is right that I'm not directly under him.....but now I work under him, isn't he have the rights to request pay raise for me?
So forget about the manager, now I will focus on my FC, hope once he is back from outstation he will request pay raise for us.
12.00 Noon, Boss come into the office
Boss : Alpha pls come to my office
(I enter Boss office)
Boss : You prepare the salary for the Company B's staff with the proposed increment from the Manager, increment effective Feb'06 but back pay the Manager since Jan'06.
WoW, my manager have such a great influence on my boss. This have prove 2 FC is useless after proposed few times to my boss for increment still have no news. Secondly, maybe my FC didn't proposed to my boss at all, which he say he did when we ask him.
One with great influence but not my direct superior. One is my direct superior but useless. Who will help me then?
New Year Resolution.....(2)
Aaah....I'm very lazy, until now also haven't start reading the bible. Don't know whether this resolution will postpone to be my Next New Year Resolution!
I know, I need to start to read the bible or else won't be able to finish in December, but I get a lot of distraction from Internet, TV & other books & I sleep a lot.
Now I'm reading "Manners & Customs of the Bible" by James M. Freeman. Haven't finish reading it and it quite okey. What irritate me the most is that the book refer to the chapters in bible by Roman Numerals i.e. I, II, III, IV, V etc...etc.
At first, I'm in total lost on which chapter it refer to especially when it come to chapter 50 as in Roman Numerals it is "L". First time in my life to see this symbol.
I know.... I know... I brag a time for me to start reading the Bible.
I know, I need to start to read the bible or else won't be able to finish in December, but I get a lot of distraction from Internet, TV & other books & I sleep a lot.
Now I'm reading "Manners & Customs of the Bible" by James M. Freeman. Haven't finish reading it and it quite okey. What irritate me the most is that the book refer to the chapters in bible by Roman Numerals i.e. I, II, III, IV, V etc...etc.
At first, I'm in total lost on which chapter it refer to especially when it come to chapter 50 as in Roman Numerals it is "L". First time in my life to see this symbol.
I know.... I know... I brag a time for me to start reading the Bible.
To Blog or Not To Blog
Yeah is quite a while I didn't post anything on this blog.
I'm still thinking whether to continue to blog or not!
So far my contributor (Omega) didn't post anything yet. I think he won't contribute any post. He is busy with his workload. Yeah, I'm the one who are still very free to blog.
I feel that I have a lot of things I want to write, but my zeal is overcome by my L-A-Z-I-N-E-S-S.
But why not I give one more start blogging again.
I'm still thinking whether to continue to blog or not!
So far my contributor (Omega) didn't post anything yet. I think he won't contribute any post. He is busy with his workload. Yeah, I'm the one who are still very free to blog.
I feel that I have a lot of things I want to write, but my zeal is overcome by my L-A-Z-I-N-E-S-S.
But why not I give one more start blogging again.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Never too late for new year resolution
Few days ago, Omega mention something about his new year resolution.
OMG, I didn't make any resolution this year!
I didn't because of previous experience which most of what I resolve to do didn't realize. So why need it.
Omega got a point by saying at least it will lead our way of life. Yeah, I think I can make a resolution now....I need to read thru the whole bible.
Hopefully it can be realize.
~ Alpha
OMG, I didn't make any resolution this year!
I didn't because of previous experience which most of what I resolve to do didn't realize. So why need it.
Omega got a point by saying at least it will lead our way of life. Yeah, I think I can make a resolution now....I need to read thru the whole bible.
Hopefully it can be realize.
~ Alpha
A Good Seminar
Just return from a church seminar. Today topic is 'The History Of Old Testament'.
It is well presented and content is solid. I never regret to attend it although it is far.
Tomorrow morning I will attend the 2nd session, at another place. But much nearer than today's place.
The topic will be on Genesis chapter 1-11.
Now I'm very tired, need to turn in.
~ Alpha
It is well presented and content is solid. I never regret to attend it although it is far.
Tomorrow morning I will attend the 2nd session, at another place. But much nearer than today's place.
The topic will be on Genesis chapter 1-11.
Now I'm very tired, need to turn in.
~ Alpha
Friday, February 17, 2006
One of my colleague being reprimand by my Accounts Executive. I don't want to say any bad things on this colleague of mine. But indeed her work attitude is of no good and rude in speech.
In directly it also connected to me. I recommend her to my company. She is the wife of my friend. Luckily I have no say in hiring of her. It is my Accounts Executive who take her in.
Bad decision cause a bad working environment.
~ Alpha
In directly it also connected to me. I recommend her to my company. She is the wife of my friend. Luckily I have no say in hiring of her. It is my Accounts Executive who take her in.
Bad decision cause a bad working environment.
~ Alpha
A Dim Hope
Yesterday after my breaking news on increment, my HR Head are in full alert to see any annoucement from my Financial Controller (FC).
At last, from the mouth of my FC....."to get increment is still a long way to run"
It have scatter my hope.
~ Alpha
At last, from the mouth of my FC....."to get increment is still a long way to run"
It have scatter my hope.
~ Alpha
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Ray of hope
This afternoon, when I'm in my Financial Controller (FC) room, he suddenly tell me that there are some news on increment. At first I thought it could be for the company staff which I'm handling now.
Me : Is it for the company X staff?
FC : No is for the whole company. But it won't be so soon, later.
(FC seeing me wearing a shirt he give me)
FC : My house still got some shirt, when I got time I'll pack it for you.
Me : Thank you.
Before HR Head leave the office, I ask her did she know about the news of we getting pay raise. Nope! she don't know anything about it?
Strange, how come my FC told me first?
~ Alpha
Me : Is it for the company X staff?
FC : No is for the whole company. But it won't be so soon, later.
(FC seeing me wearing a shirt he give me)
FC : My house still got some shirt, when I got time I'll pack it for you.
Me : Thank you.
Before HR Head leave the office, I ask her did she know about the news of we getting pay raise. Nope! she don't know anything about it?
Strange, how come my FC told me first?
~ Alpha
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Ponder....& ponder again
Today I join some church member to do some visiting.
After that I have a very...very serious discusion....the marriage with a friend. He give me good advice and ask me to ponder about the matter.
But the most important things is to pray to the Almighty One for help.
I agree with him. Now I'll pray and see what will happen!
~ Alpha
After that I have a very...very serious discusion....the marriage with a friend. He give me good advice and ask me to ponder about the matter.
But the most important things is to pray to the Almighty One for help.
I agree with him. Now I'll pray and see what will happen!
~ Alpha
Advertising Gimmick
Is a very unique way to promote the sales of condoms with a singer as your spokeperson....
excerpt from EastSouthWestNorth.
The Xuecun Condoms (2/15/2006) (Netease) Xuecun is the name of a brand of condoms in China. According the the records, the trademark rights were registed by a Hebei province enterprise, registration number 3495517 valid between September 7, 2004 through September 6, 2004. Only the Chinese letters 雪村 and the phonetic spelling "Xuecun" were registered, without any associated images. Below is a photo of an early edition of the Xuecue condoms.

Alas, when the name Xuecun is mentioned, the general public will tend to immediately think of the singer Xuecun, famous for the song "All northeasterners are living Lei Feng's" (东北人都是活雷锋). (East Asian Economic News via Yahoo!) Acting on a tip, a reporter went into a pharmacy and saw the Xuecun condoms displayed with other brands. A female salesperson recommended to the reporter: "You buy the Xuecun brand. Xuecun is the image spokesperson for the company. He did commercials for them. Many people buy this brand." The reporter deliberately asked, "Who is Xuecun?" The female salesperson laughed and said, "This one who sang 'All northeasterners are living Lei Feng's'. Everybody on this planet knows!" The reporter saw that the Xuecun condoms were manufactured by a Heibei company and sold at 25 yuan per packet. The box is green in color. On the top right corner is a cartoon drawing of Xuecun, with his tongue sticking out in the shape of a condum and holding a condom packet in his hand. The words 雪村 appear in the middle with "Xuecun." The product description is: Preventing sexual diseases begins with Xuecun.

When the reporter contacted Xuecun himself later, he was shocked: "I have never authorized this factory. I have never heard about th is. They used my name and image for condoms and this is an insult to my character." Xuecun has referred the matter to his lawyer. It is one thing to have an identical name (Xuecun means "Snowy village" literally), but it is something else to use an image. Does the real Xuecun look like the cartoon figure on the condom package?
excerpt from EastSouthWestNorth.
The Xuecun Condoms (2/15/2006) (Netease) Xuecun is the name of a brand of condoms in China. According the the records, the trademark rights were registed by a Hebei province enterprise, registration number 3495517 valid between September 7, 2004 through September 6, 2004. Only the Chinese letters 雪村 and the phonetic spelling "Xuecun" were registered, without any associated images. Below is a photo of an early edition of the Xuecue condoms.

Alas, when the name Xuecun is mentioned, the general public will tend to immediately think of the singer Xuecun, famous for the song "All northeasterners are living Lei Feng's" (东北人都是活雷锋). (East Asian Economic News via Yahoo!) Acting on a tip, a reporter went into a pharmacy and saw the Xuecun condoms displayed with other brands. A female salesperson recommended to the reporter: "You buy the Xuecun brand. Xuecun is the image spokesperson for the company. He did commercials for them. Many people buy this brand." The reporter deliberately asked, "Who is Xuecun?" The female salesperson laughed and said, "This one who sang 'All northeasterners are living Lei Feng's'. Everybody on this planet knows!" The reporter saw that the Xuecun condoms were manufactured by a Heibei company and sold at 25 yuan per packet. The box is green in color. On the top right corner is a cartoon drawing of Xuecun, with his tongue sticking out in the shape of a condum and holding a condom packet in his hand. The words 雪村 appear in the middle with "Xuecun." The product description is: Preventing sexual diseases begins with Xuecun.

When the reporter contacted Xuecun himself later, he was shocked: "I have never authorized this factory. I have never heard about th is. They used my name and image for condoms and this is an insult to my character." Xuecun has referred the matter to his lawyer. It is one thing to have an identical name (Xuecun means "Snowy village" literally), but it is something else to use an image. Does the real Xuecun look like the cartoon figure on the condom package?
Irresponsible Motorcyclist
Yesterday, my office boy got a shock, when he was informed that his kid met an accident and now is in General Hospital.
Initially the teacher told him that his kid was fall from his school bas. We suspect that his son's mischief that have bring this disaster.
So his son was at General Hospital and have a series of medical check-up including X-ray. The poor kid is unconscious when he was admit to the Hospital but later he reagain conscious.
When the kid was calm down, he relates that he is being hit by a motorcycle. It is a hit and run accident....luckily somebody saw the incident and know who is the motorist. My office boy make a police report.
Why this motorcyclist so irresponsible to his own act. It is concerning life and death. The poor boy could be bleed to death or hit by another vehicle from the back.
~ Alpha
Initially the teacher told him that his kid was fall from his school bas. We suspect that his son's mischief that have bring this disaster.
So his son was at General Hospital and have a series of medical check-up including X-ray. The poor kid is unconscious when he was admit to the Hospital but later he reagain conscious.
When the kid was calm down, he relates that he is being hit by a motorcycle. It is a hit and run accident....luckily somebody saw the incident and know who is the motorist. My office boy make a police report.
Why this motorcyclist so irresponsible to his own act. It is concerning life and death. The poor boy could be bleed to death or hit by another vehicle from the back.
~ Alpha
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
New Dishes
Yesterday, my colleague are having lunch again with my boss. Nope I didn't go, because I'm busy with my workload.
So I heard from them, this time they are not eating the same old dishes but a new type.
Well it certainly not my luck to taste new dishes.
~ Alpha
So I heard from them, this time they are not eating the same old dishes but a new type.
Well it certainly not my luck to taste new dishes.
~ Alpha
Sunday, February 12, 2006
CCTV Solves Crime
I pick up this news from EastSouthWestNorth.
(Xinhua) The term CCTV here is based upon the UK usage of Closed Circuit Television. The following images were recorded in Beijing. In the first photo, a young man on a motorbike reached an intersection and pressed the button for the traffic light. In the second photo, the light has turned green and the motorcyclists moved ahead. A red BMW came flying down at 100 kmph. In the third photo, there was impact. The motorcyclist was dead on arrival at the hospital, while the red BMW fled the scene.

How was the crime solved? There are only just 40 or so red BMW's of this model in Beijing, which means that they are easily identifiable. Once the media broadcasts went out, an auto-repair shop called in to say a red BMW had been brought in for repairs to the windshield and front bumper. The police retrieved the replaced windshield and confirmed that there was a collision. However, the BMW had left the shop already. However, another civilian report led to the owner of a red BMW which was no longer seen in the neighborhood. The photograph of the owner's 24-year-old was shown to the auto-repair shop mechanic and positively identified. The man was then apprehended and he confessed to his crime. Where was the car? Based upon the confession from the culprit, it would be found in an unattended parking lot in the city of Foshan (Guangdong province) with a white paint job, new chassis and engine registration numbers and a Shanghai license plate!
(Xinhua) The term CCTV here is based upon the UK usage of Closed Circuit Television. The following images were recorded in Beijing. In the first photo, a young man on a motorbike reached an intersection and pressed the button for the traffic light. In the second photo, the light has turned green and the motorcyclists moved ahead. A red BMW came flying down at 100 kmph. In the third photo, there was impact. The motorcyclist was dead on arrival at the hospital, while the red BMW fled the scene.

How was the crime solved? There are only just 40 or so red BMW's of this model in Beijing, which means that they are easily identifiable. Once the media broadcasts went out, an auto-repair shop called in to say a red BMW had been brought in for repairs to the windshield and front bumper. The police retrieved the replaced windshield and confirmed that there was a collision. However, the BMW had left the shop already. However, another civilian report led to the owner of a red BMW which was no longer seen in the neighborhood. The photograph of the owner's 24-year-old was shown to the auto-repair shop mechanic and positively identified. The man was then apprehended and he confessed to his crime. Where was the car? Based upon the confession from the culprit, it would be found in an unattended parking lot in the city of Foshan (Guangdong province) with a white paint job, new chassis and engine registration numbers and a Shanghai license plate!
21st Century Kids
The following are my conclusion on today's kids (primary school kids) after fetching and sending them back home from Religion Education Class :-
1. Stubborn - never follow instruction or advise
2. Cruel - today those kids are playing firecracker and the victim is fish,earthworm etc. Living creature will be put together with the firecracker and 'bang'.....sending those pity creatures to heaven.
3. Foul-mouthed
4. Playful - especially on dangerous is fire!......luckily they spare the van
~ Alpha
1. Stubborn - never follow instruction or advise
2. Cruel - today those kids are playing firecracker and the victim is fish,earthworm etc. Living creature will be put together with the firecracker and 'bang'.....sending those pity creatures to heaven.
3. Foul-mouthed
4. Playful - especially on dangerous is fire!......luckily they spare the van
~ Alpha
Saturday, February 11, 2006
I'm a driver
Every Friday after work I'll rush back home. I take bath and have my dinner before I go to church.
It 6.30pm, the church service haven't start yet until 8pm. I know I'm a bit too early to arrive there. But I have a mission to drive the gospel van and fetch up church members who do not have transport to attend service.
Usually on every Friday I'll fetch the members and after the service end another guy will send them home. Just name this guy A.
Since on every Saturday Guy A will fetch up the members, he will just drive the van back to his home. Sometimes if Guy A not free to send them back after Sabbath service, it my turn become the driver.
Today it a bit special, Guy A is not around....he and other choir group member is out of town....they attend a fellowship service. At the same time, today is Thaipusam and the festival is a gazetted holiday in my state.
It a hectic day, today is also my turn to speak on the pulpit and I haven't finish my sermon. After breakfast, I quickly finish up my sermon. Well I finish at 12:15 pm, it's time to take my lunch.
12:35pm I've reach the church to take the van. Around 2:20pm I'm back at church for 2:30pm service. I'm lucky to be on time and I proceed to lead the service.
4:00pm service ended and after a short chit chat, it time to send the members home. I reach home 5:30pm.
Tomorrow morning I have to wake up early in order to pick-up the children for Religion Education Class. It is very unusual for me to pick up children on Sunday. But what to do, other youth are already out of town.
~ Alpha
It 6.30pm, the church service haven't start yet until 8pm. I know I'm a bit too early to arrive there. But I have a mission to drive the gospel van and fetch up church members who do not have transport to attend service.
Usually on every Friday I'll fetch the members and after the service end another guy will send them home. Just name this guy A.
Since on every Saturday Guy A will fetch up the members, he will just drive the van back to his home. Sometimes if Guy A not free to send them back after Sabbath service, it my turn become the driver.
Today it a bit special, Guy A is not around....he and other choir group member is out of town....they attend a fellowship service. At the same time, today is Thaipusam and the festival is a gazetted holiday in my state.
It a hectic day, today is also my turn to speak on the pulpit and I haven't finish my sermon. After breakfast, I quickly finish up my sermon. Well I finish at 12:15 pm, it's time to take my lunch.
12:35pm I've reach the church to take the van. Around 2:20pm I'm back at church for 2:30pm service. I'm lucky to be on time and I proceed to lead the service.
4:00pm service ended and after a short chit chat, it time to send the members home. I reach home 5:30pm.
Tomorrow morning I have to wake up early in order to pick-up the children for Religion Education Class. It is very unusual for me to pick up children on Sunday. But what to do, other youth are already out of town.
~ Alpha
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Our Habit
Do you realize that sometimes we travel to one place using a long distance road instead of using a shorter distance road? It is because we are more comfortable using the road we are more familiar with.
Today I'm having lunch with my boss. I've notice the dishes he order is almost 100% same as what we eat few days ago at this same restaurant. Not only this time I've notice his habit of ordering the same dishes, he does it almost everything and at every other restaurant.
Although we go to a famous and expensive restaurant, after eating a few rounds of the same dishes you'll realize the dish is no longer have the special taste as when you eat it first time.
Oh man!this is not a road side stall which do not have varieties of dishes, he should have order different dishes upon our every visit to all the famous restaurant!
He just don't know how to utilize his money to order good food! Well for me, I just want to eat good food but I'm without money. But again my boss just order the same old dishes. Haiz~~
~ Alpha
Today I'm having lunch with my boss. I've notice the dishes he order is almost 100% same as what we eat few days ago at this same restaurant. Not only this time I've notice his habit of ordering the same dishes, he does it almost everything and at every other restaurant.
Although we go to a famous and expensive restaurant, after eating a few rounds of the same dishes you'll realize the dish is no longer have the special taste as when you eat it first time.
Oh man!this is not a road side stall which do not have varieties of dishes, he should have order different dishes upon our every visit to all the famous restaurant!
He just don't know how to utilize his money to order good food! Well for me, I just want to eat good food but I'm without money. But again my boss just order the same old dishes. Haiz~~
~ Alpha
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Latest office plan

Latest office plan (8 Feb 2006)
a) Green color = computer
b) Yellow color = writing desk
c) Blue line = partition
d) Circle "O" = chair
e) Red color circle "O" = new ruler
After rearrange our sitting, my territory diminish into half of the original size. I'm lucky still to have 2 1/2 table to use (writing desk with pink dot).
A partition between "A" and "C" have been taken out to create more space for "E".
The rest remain the same.
After 1 year "E" could be transfer to other branch. Then I'll reclaim back to my previous glory. Muahaha!
~ Alpha
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
More bad news
I've received another sms, one of my friend's father have to amputate his right leg tomorrow morning. As I know her father have been sick for the pass few month and have received treatment in hospital.
I hope I'll not receive anymore bad news.
~ Alpha
I hope I'll not receive anymore bad news.
~ Alpha
My Office Plan as at today

My office plan (7 Feb 2006)
a) Green color = computer table
b) Yellow color = writing desk
c) Grey color = pathway
d) Blue line = partition
d) Circle "O" = chair
e) Red color circle "O" = new ruler
When I'm happily govern my territory, suddenly come a foreign power to claim part of my territory. A "supreme being" (my boss) command me to create a vacant land to this foreign power to rule.
I clear a table (the one which is beside my computer) for the new ruler.
~ 'E' is one of my company's engineer. He will be my neighbor for about 1 year or at least until our project finished.
The new ruler drop by to see his new land. Not satisfy with the new territory...he say it is too small. He got a lot of royalty/minister/guests (supplier/subcontractor/etc) and goodies (files) to store when he settle in.
Before he come, we have arrange a new computer for him. After his inspection he request a larger writing desk and cabinet.
Ok, we order a new desk and cabinet for him.....but we do not have any idea where to place it. Although my drawing seem to have a lot of space between 'A' table and 'C' actually only a narrow pathway....I'm a lousy drawer! The desk will come tomorrow and we have request the furniture owner (interior designer) to help us to rearrange our sitting.
So just wait and see how many land will be apportion back to me.
~ Alpha
Feel Blessed .......(3)
Just received a sms, my friend who have kidney problem have passed away today at 6.15pm.
~ Alpha
~ Alpha
My Office Plan as at yesterday

My Office Plan
a) Green color = computer table
b) Yellow color = writing desk
c) Grey color = pathway
d) blue line = partition
e) Circle "O"= chair
So if you have read my previous post, I've mention that I'm in the same floor with the management people while other staffs is in ground floor.
~ 'A' is myself. As you can see in the diagram I have 2 writing table and a computer. Total together 3 table. I also occupy half of the file shelf behind me. I kind of having my own territory and it quite large!
~ 'B' is the Head of Human Resource Dept. She take the smallest space among us all.
~ 'C' is my Account Executive. She also have her own territory, she have a partition to separate between 'A' and 'B'.
~ 'D' is my Financial Controller. He sit a room. Sitting in a room is like disconnecting ourself with outside world. It's very boring sitting in a room.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Hey! Don't Blame me
Remember my previous post, I've mention one manager call me during New Year holiday? So today I've start work and have to figure out how to solve the problem.
This manager did call my FC before he call me and have tell me that according to my FC a bank require few days to issue out a Bank Guarantee (BG) which I've already know. But the problem is we can't wait for that "few days", we want it immediately. Which mean I have to get it process out TODAY.
As suggest by my manager we have other option which we could issue a Insurance Guarantee (IG), it's very fast and can be issue out within the same day.
So I work toward this Insurance Guarantee option, I source here and there to get the thing issue out. I call EON Bank.....they never heard IG before only have BG, I call Maybank.....they need 3 days to process, I call Alliance Bank.....reply same as EON Bank.
Wait a minute.....I've heard from my manager he did issue one IG in Alliance Bank, then how come this guy say they only have BG......okay......after further confirmation with my manager it is Allianz Life Insurance and not Alliance Bank.
Move on to call Allainz Life Insurance......hooray they got IG but the officer-in-charge is on leave and the IG could only be issue out tomorrow. Ok fine! just fax to me whatever form or format that require to do IG.
In the meantime I did ask my colleague to help out by ask our insurance broker concerning the matter. Out of sudden my FC emerge from his room.
What are you doing?
Why are you sourcing to issue a IG, we can just issue BG from EON Bank!
(FC go back to his room, I enter his room.)
So I explain to him again that issue a BG take few days and we don't have the time to wait for it.
Why you didn't brief me on the matter, I can call the EON Bank to issue out the BG within 1 day!
Oh my god, you are the one who told the manager that it is impossible to issue the BG within 1 day and the manager suggestion to issue IG, now you say the BG can be issue within 1 day!
Nevermind I just leave it to him to make the call.....and at the end of the day the BG is out!
I let you know who he call. Firstly he call our local bank officer-in-charge of BG letting her know of the situation. Then my FC proceed to call the her Dept Head. Later he call the CEO of EON Bank HQ in KL. See how this have involve so many call to the key person.
So in some way i got blame of not doing my job properly.
~ Alpha
This manager did call my FC before he call me and have tell me that according to my FC a bank require few days to issue out a Bank Guarantee (BG) which I've already know. But the problem is we can't wait for that "few days", we want it immediately. Which mean I have to get it process out TODAY.
As suggest by my manager we have other option which we could issue a Insurance Guarantee (IG), it's very fast and can be issue out within the same day.
So I work toward this Insurance Guarantee option, I source here and there to get the thing issue out. I call EON Bank.....they never heard IG before only have BG, I call Maybank.....they need 3 days to process, I call Alliance Bank.....reply same as EON Bank.
Wait a minute.....I've heard from my manager he did issue one IG in Alliance Bank, then how come this guy say they only have BG......okay......after further confirmation with my manager it is Allianz Life Insurance and not Alliance Bank.
Move on to call Allainz Life Insurance......hooray they got IG but the officer-in-charge is on leave and the IG could only be issue out tomorrow. Ok fine! just fax to me whatever form or format that require to do IG.
In the meantime I did ask my colleague to help out by ask our insurance broker concerning the matter. Out of sudden my FC emerge from his room.
What are you doing?
Why are you sourcing to issue a IG, we can just issue BG from EON Bank!
(FC go back to his room, I enter his room.)
So I explain to him again that issue a BG take few days and we don't have the time to wait for it.
Why you didn't brief me on the matter, I can call the EON Bank to issue out the BG within 1 day!
Oh my god, you are the one who told the manager that it is impossible to issue the BG within 1 day and the manager suggestion to issue IG, now you say the BG can be issue within 1 day!
Nevermind I just leave it to him to make the call.....and at the end of the day the BG is out!
I let you know who he call. Firstly he call our local bank officer-in-charge of BG letting her know of the situation. Then my FC proceed to call the her Dept Head. Later he call the CEO of EON Bank HQ in KL. See how this have involve so many call to the key person.
So in some way i got blame of not doing my job properly.
~ Alpha
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Why people like to argue?
Today some of our family friends come to my house for chit-chat. Later the conversation turn into some debate on certain issue. Two uncle keep on explaining, defending, refute to my father and me.
Well I just sit there to listen to their argument. I nod my head when they explain their stand to me. I try not to side no either party.....I'm neutral mah!
I've make my conclusion (in my heart) after a length of debate between them. They are just some old people who got nothing to do and the debate is just one of the method to kill time. Both of them tackle on different root of the problem which will certainly have different explanation. Even they argue until death also could not solve the problem.
I do not know whether they are aware of it or not, but I just excuse myself and leave the nonsense debate to my father to handle. Muuahahaaaa
People like to stand on their view of point, don't want to lose face when they are wrong and it will lead to an endless debate. Ego is one of the problem, if you really don't know on the subject matter don't try to be the expert! It will make the whole situation worse.
Admit your mistake when you are wrong. Keep your mouth shut if the subject matter is not your field expertise. To give opinion is okay but not need to stand firm on your view point when others challenge it, just keep it to yourself as others have their own thought. Then everything will be debate & arguing on nonsense subject.
~ Alpha
Well I just sit there to listen to their argument. I nod my head when they explain their stand to me. I try not to side no either party.....I'm neutral mah!
I've make my conclusion (in my heart) after a length of debate between them. They are just some old people who got nothing to do and the debate is just one of the method to kill time. Both of them tackle on different root of the problem which will certainly have different explanation. Even they argue until death also could not solve the problem.
I do not know whether they are aware of it or not, but I just excuse myself and leave the nonsense debate to my father to handle. Muuahahaaaa
People like to stand on their view of point, don't want to lose face when they are wrong and it will lead to an endless debate. Ego is one of the problem, if you really don't know on the subject matter don't try to be the expert! It will make the whole situation worse.
Admit your mistake when you are wrong. Keep your mouth shut if the subject matter is not your field expertise. To give opinion is okay but not need to stand firm on your view point when others challenge it, just keep it to yourself as others have their own thought. Then everything will be debate & arguing on nonsense subject.
~ Alpha
Saturday, February 04, 2006
My Handphone Number
It have been 8 months since I own a handphone. I take extra precaution not to give my number to any Tom, Dick or Harry. I only give it to my friends and some colleague, but not to my boss or my FC and immediate Manager. Common sense tell me that if they have your handphone no, they will call you at midnight when you are sleeping or very early in the morning when you are still in bed.
Until one fine day, I have to call my FC using my handphone on something very urgent! It a mistake to make that call. At last my FC got my handphone no and so far so good as he haven't call me at midnight or early morning.
But my number will be circulate among my immediate Manager. Okey! My FC did give it to one of my manager and he call me up telling me about one very urgent matter. Indeed the matter is very urgent, but what can I do, our office is still close for Chinese New Year holiday! Nevermind I can sacrifice my time to go back to office to attend the matter.....but the bank is close on Saturday and my boss still in China! So I tell him I can't solve the problem and have to wait until our office open on next Monday, which he say "ok" Oh my God!....then why you still want to call my personal handphone leh when the thing can wait until Monday?
haiz~~ sooner or later my phone number will reach my boss.......he like to call people during midnight. In future I might not have a peaceful night!
~ Alpha
Until one fine day, I have to call my FC using my handphone on something very urgent! It a mistake to make that call. At last my FC got my handphone no and so far so good as he haven't call me at midnight or early morning.
But my number will be circulate among my immediate Manager. Okey! My FC did give it to one of my manager and he call me up telling me about one very urgent matter. Indeed the matter is very urgent, but what can I do, our office is still close for Chinese New Year holiday! Nevermind I can sacrifice my time to go back to office to attend the matter.....but the bank is close on Saturday and my boss still in China! So I tell him I can't solve the problem and have to wait until our office open on next Monday, which he say "ok" Oh my God!....then why you still want to call my personal handphone leh when the thing can wait until Monday?
haiz~~ sooner or later my phone number will reach my boss.......he like to call people during midnight. In future I might not have a peaceful night!
~ Alpha
Auspicious Phrases
During my Chinese New Year holiday stay at my eldest sister house.....I receive a midnight call, a long distance call from Canada.....or Vancouver to be exact. The caller is my eldest sister's sister but not my sister.....confuse? a another story, I'll write about it later.
So she is looking for my eldest sister......bad timing, she is not around as my parent and her are holidaying in A'Famosa. Ok, I just told her to call back tomorrow as they will be back by then and I'll also inform my sister about her calling.
Haiz~~~ I thought she will hang up after wishing me Happy Chinese New Year. Nope she just keep on wishing me with many more auspicious phrase.....ok, I just let her wish me loh while I just said to her "same to you"....."same to you"...."same to you". At last her hang up......what a long winded lady with so many phrases!
My sister call up at the afternoon before they come back, so I just mention about her sister call up and I say "I think your sister want to wish you Happy Chinese New Year". Well my sister answer me "What she want to wish me again?, she already wish me on Eve of Chinese New Year, 1st day of New Year and 2nd day of New Year! Every time she call she will say some auspicious phrases and she request that I also wish her with auspicious phrases and can't be the same as her!"
Ha! that ah! nevermind lah I just accomplish my duty to inform her of the phone call. Luckily I didn't have to go thru the wishing me back conversation with her sister!
Well, her Canada sister call up again that day. Again I tell her they haven't back they will be back at night time. Guess what, she want to wish my parent Happy Chinese New Year!
True enough she call back at mid sister ask her to call back another time, as she is so tired.
Early morning next day she call again, my sister tell her everybody haven't up yet call back later. Ok she call back around 9.30 am when we are having our breakfast. Well she wish sister, my brother-in-law, my father & my mother......with many....many auspicious phrases.
~ Alpha
So she is looking for my eldest sister......bad timing, she is not around as my parent and her are holidaying in A'Famosa. Ok, I just told her to call back tomorrow as they will be back by then and I'll also inform my sister about her calling.
Haiz~~~ I thought she will hang up after wishing me Happy Chinese New Year. Nope she just keep on wishing me with many more auspicious phrase.....ok, I just let her wish me loh while I just said to her "same to you"....."same to you"...."same to you". At last her hang up......what a long winded lady with so many phrases!
My sister call up at the afternoon before they come back, so I just mention about her sister call up and I say "I think your sister want to wish you Happy Chinese New Year". Well my sister answer me "What she want to wish me again?, she already wish me on Eve of Chinese New Year, 1st day of New Year and 2nd day of New Year! Every time she call she will say some auspicious phrases and she request that I also wish her with auspicious phrases and can't be the same as her!"
Ha! that ah! nevermind lah I just accomplish my duty to inform her of the phone call. Luckily I didn't have to go thru the wishing me back conversation with her sister!
Well, her Canada sister call up again that day. Again I tell her they haven't back they will be back at night time. Guess what, she want to wish my parent Happy Chinese New Year!
True enough she call back at mid sister ask her to call back another time, as she is so tired.
Early morning next day she call again, my sister tell her everybody haven't up yet call back later. Ok she call back around 9.30 am when we are having our breakfast. Well she wish sister, my brother-in-law, my father & my mother......with many....many auspicious phrases.
~ Alpha
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Happy Chinese New Year
So I'll take a few days break. I won't be blogging during Chinese New Year. I need to enjoy my holiday.
~ Alpha
~ Alpha
Friday, January 27, 2006
It's Final
Well at last, my dream didn't come true. My boss didn't increase my fact he didn't increase everyone pay! So what we can do now is to curse him and talk at his back just release our frustration.
He keep on saying the his raw material price have increase and it will subsequently lead to increase of our cost of living, especially the petrol price. He is aware of it.....but he still don't want to increase our pay. In between 2-3 year he will increase our pay one time....which is nominal about 10% . You see we are all really underpay.
What can we is impossible to readjust our pay to market rate. Well we just curse...curse and curse all the way until the day he increase our pay.
~ Alpha
He keep on saying the his raw material price have increase and it will subsequently lead to increase of our cost of living, especially the petrol price. He is aware of it.....but he still don't want to increase our pay. In between 2-3 year he will increase our pay one time....which is nominal about 10% . You see we are all really underpay.
What can we is impossible to readjust our pay to market rate. Well we just curse...curse and curse all the way until the day he increase our pay.
~ Alpha
Thursday, January 26, 2006
No Pay Raise?
Up to now I did not receive any news on pay raise. Fat chance to get it anyway, since the company have provide a oversea trip for the staff.
Anyway, few years back I did write a letter to the management to request a pay raise. Don't know why I have to courage to do so, but my dream come true! Few months later I did get a pay fact everybody get it.....does my letter have such a effect?
This time I won't write anymore letter, I believe it won't work every time. Just hope that there is a saviour out there to speak to my boss on our behalf for pay raise.
I like one of my manager who are persistently asking my FC "is there any pay raise and bonus this year?" I believe he do it for the sake of his subordinate.....Oh! my FC hope you do something on it.
~ Alpha
Anyway, few years back I did write a letter to the management to request a pay raise. Don't know why I have to courage to do so, but my dream come true! Few months later I did get a pay fact everybody get it.....does my letter have such a effect?
This time I won't write anymore letter, I believe it won't work every time. Just hope that there is a saviour out there to speak to my boss on our behalf for pay raise.
I like one of my manager who are persistently asking my FC "is there any pay raise and bonus this year?" I believe he do it for the sake of his subordinate.....Oh! my FC hope you do something on it.
~ Alpha
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Thou Shall Not Tell
How do you feel when all your department head is sitting and working in the same floor as you are? Do you have this kind of experience? Well I do. I'm in the same floor with the Company Financial Controller (FC) the company right hand man, the Executive of Accounts Department and lastly the Head of Human Resources Dept.
Then, what post do I hold that make me a floor will all these people while other sit at another floor?. Am I the FC Assistant?.....Assistant to the Executive of Accounts Dept? or Assistant to HR Head?.....Wrong! I'm in the clerical level! But most certainly not general clerk or office boy.haaahaaa
I'm in 1st floor which only have 4 people including myself....but on the ground floor we have 10 staffs (including boss)......and this make me all the staff level is in ground floor! But this seem to have created two type of people......1st floor management people is called "upstairs people" and ground staff is called "downstairs people"
Ok back to the I'm sitting a floor with the management people......well there are some advantages and disadvantages to it.
Advantages will be such as I know a lot of information that I not suppose to know and disadvantages will be....since I know a lot of information....I'll die (get fire or redundancy) faster than other people.
Many staffs will come to me and ask things like "have you heard of such & such news/things?"....."do we have bonus this year?".........."do we have pay raise this year?"........"can we get salary today?"......."when will our company close for festive season?".....etc
THOU SHALL NOT TELL.........well if I know......I can't tell you guys.......sorry, I've been forewarn not to tell anything "high level information" to other staffs.
For staff the most important things will be the pay, bonus and pay raise. So far to my knowledge every year we can get bonus but we might not get pay raise yearly. The "downstairs people" always think that we "upstairs people" are not doing our job when they don't get either one of it. But the fact is, we really have do our part.......which include liaise with FC to proposed the bonus and pay raise to boss. So "upstairs people" always being critise by "downstairs people".....but I can't help it......I can't tell explain them!
~ Alpha
Then, what post do I hold that make me a floor will all these people while other sit at another floor?. Am I the FC Assistant?.....Assistant to the Executive of Accounts Dept? or Assistant to HR Head?.....Wrong! I'm in the clerical level! But most certainly not general clerk or office boy.haaahaaa
I'm in 1st floor which only have 4 people including myself....but on the ground floor we have 10 staffs (including boss)......and this make me all the staff level is in ground floor! But this seem to have created two type of people......1st floor management people is called "upstairs people" and ground staff is called "downstairs people"
Ok back to the I'm sitting a floor with the management people......well there are some advantages and disadvantages to it.
Advantages will be such as I know a lot of information that I not suppose to know and disadvantages will be....since I know a lot of information....I'll die (get fire or redundancy) faster than other people.
Many staffs will come to me and ask things like "have you heard of such & such news/things?"....."do we have bonus this year?".........."do we have pay raise this year?"........"can we get salary today?"......."when will our company close for festive season?".....etc
THOU SHALL NOT TELL.........well if I know......I can't tell you guys.......sorry, I've been forewarn not to tell anything "high level information" to other staffs.
For staff the most important things will be the pay, bonus and pay raise. So far to my knowledge every year we can get bonus but we might not get pay raise yearly. The "downstairs people" always think that we "upstairs people" are not doing our job when they don't get either one of it. But the fact is, we really have do our part.......which include liaise with FC to proposed the bonus and pay raise to boss. So "upstairs people" always being critise by "downstairs people".....but I can't help it......I can't tell explain them!
~ Alpha
Monday, January 23, 2006
Clearing Storeroom
Haiz~~~ after a great fish meal, I have to help in clearing the storeroom, it have invade by termite. Wow they do chew things fast.....only last month we have discover the already eat almost half of our records.....I'm wondering why the termite didn't call all it relative...and long-long distance relative to come along to help chew up ALL the records. It will help us a lot. At least we won't go there to repacks everything....
I just pity my other colleague, they start packing it since this morning and they miss out the fish feast. The after-effects is to great...they call for backup, so I was sent there :( to help re-categorize the records and pack it up. Luckily we manage to finish before 5pm......but still have some boxes are unseal as we run out of cellophane tape.....who cares we are all very tired.....we will attend to it later! Haahaaa
~ Alpha
I just pity my other colleague, they start packing it since this morning and they miss out the fish feast. The after-effects is to great...they call for backup, so I was sent there :( to help re-categorize the records and pack it up. Luckily we manage to finish before 5pm......but still have some boxes are unseal as we run out of cellophane tape.....who cares we are all very tired.....we will attend to it later! Haahaaa
~ Alpha
A Fish Feast.......Again
Well I think the Chinese New Year is around the corner.....that why my boss like to eat fish (fish = abundance) might bring great fortune to him. So today we go back to the same place again to have a fish feast. But this time is in a smaller scale. Previously we take 3 hours to complete our we only take 1 1/5 hours.
Initially we quite reluctant to go as it will take away most of our working hours......and will cause backlog (not to say we like to work!). But my boss tell us to go and he say this time it will only take us 2 hours.....we fast and the result is 1 1/5 hours. heeeehe
So this time we eat only 2 types of is Sei Tou Fish (make into fish ball) and a fish which I don't know it name. Beside that we also eat frog (tien kai)....this time is bigger than our previous one.....fried kangkung with 'belacan' and fried bitter gourd with fish meat.
~ Alpha
Initially we quite reluctant to go as it will take away most of our working hours......and will cause backlog (not to say we like to work!). But my boss tell us to go and he say this time it will only take us 2 hours.....we fast and the result is 1 1/5 hours. heeeehe
So this time we eat only 2 types of is Sei Tou Fish (make into fish ball) and a fish which I don't know it name. Beside that we also eat frog (tien kai)....this time is bigger than our previous one.....fried kangkung with 'belacan' and fried bitter gourd with fish meat.
~ Alpha
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Marriage, marriage & marriage
Ever since my sister marriage, everybody's eyes is looking at me! Today some family friends who are looking for my parents ask didn't go out meh? Today is dating ah? NO...that's my answer.
Do I look that desperate to marry somebody's daughter? Why all of you keep on pressuring me? Day and night....there are sure somebody standing near me to ask "when is your turn to get marry?" ......."do you need any recommendation?"........"that girl you don't like meh?"......."you consider her lah?" and the list go on.......
Luckily I have peace of mind during my night least I didn't dream of marriage. heeehe. But if these things keep on going....sooner or later.....I'll have nightmare on marriage!
SHY! that is everybody's perception towards me......if they don't have such perception, my father will plant it into their head...."my son is shy loh......that why until now he don't have gf loh".......then the next things to say will be "you recommend one for him lah"
Off and parent will mention Z and ask the same old question......."how old is Z?"......."you didn't call her ah?"......"she didn't call you ah?......."did you visit her at her work place?"....."where she stay?"....."how's her study?"........"how many paper left?"........"does she have bf?"........"do you like her or not?"......etc~ etc~
I DON'T KNOW! DON'T ASK ME ahhhhhhh!
As mention in my previous post.....the church visiting group and I did visit Z house few days ago.....but I can't remember whether I did told my parent or not about the visiting! But this is no longer important.....somehow they know it and blame me for withhold this info! It is getting worse as they are thinking I've been there for matchmaking. Noooooooo it really a normal church visit nothing else!
Please....please I'm begging all of you.......don't pressure me!
~ Alpha
Do I look that desperate to marry somebody's daughter? Why all of you keep on pressuring me? Day and night....there are sure somebody standing near me to ask "when is your turn to get marry?" ......."do you need any recommendation?"........"that girl you don't like meh?"......."you consider her lah?" and the list go on.......
Luckily I have peace of mind during my night least I didn't dream of marriage. heeehe. But if these things keep on going....sooner or later.....I'll have nightmare on marriage!
SHY! that is everybody's perception towards me......if they don't have such perception, my father will plant it into their head...."my son is shy loh......that why until now he don't have gf loh".......then the next things to say will be "you recommend one for him lah"
Off and parent will mention Z and ask the same old question......."how old is Z?"......."you didn't call her ah?"......"she didn't call you ah?......."did you visit her at her work place?"....."where she stay?"....."how's her study?"........"how many paper left?"........"does she have bf?"........"do you like her or not?"......etc~ etc~
I DON'T KNOW! DON'T ASK ME ahhhhhhh!
As mention in my previous post.....the church visiting group and I did visit Z house few days ago.....but I can't remember whether I did told my parent or not about the visiting! But this is no longer important.....somehow they know it and blame me for withhold this info! It is getting worse as they are thinking I've been there for matchmaking. Noooooooo it really a normal church visit nothing else!
Please....please I'm begging all of you.......don't pressure me!
~ Alpha
Saturday, January 21, 2006 you exist?
You might not have notice that this blog have 2 blogger.....which is Alpha & Omega and this have become our blog title. Why 2 blogger?......initially I thought I maynot have much things to write on this blog (still the same today), so to have a co-blogger will be great as to fill up the blog empty space. You might still wondering.....all this while this blog only have Alpha posting.......where is Omega? Is he real? The answer is YES....Omega is real.....he is not a fictitious entity that I've created. It is already hard to become 1 person......why should I bear the burden to pretend to be somebody else!! :)
Now Omega is busy attending his workload, so for the time being you will always hear from me. Omega will blog soon......pls be patient......I myself also waiting for his post.
~ Alpha
Now Omega is busy attending his workload, so for the time being you will always hear from me. Omega will blog soon......pls be patient......I myself also waiting for his post.
~ Alpha
Friday, January 20, 2006
A Fish Feast.......Consequences
Have you heard of people saying that you will vomit when you eat too full? Luckily I didn't vomit out although I'm really full until I have to skip my dinner. Nevertheless I have a mild diarrhea today. Not sure it is the fish or something else I eat. As I remember I didn't eat anything on yesterday night, but I did drink 2 glass of Chinese herb......could it cause diarrhea? Maybe both things didn't really make me sick.....but when this two come together it will become disaster! Anywhere I just guessing.
Now I need some rest.
~ Alpha
Now I need some rest.
~ Alpha
A Fish Feast
Yesterday, my colleague and I together with my boss having lunch. We thought it would be a normal lunch. Nope we have guess it wrongly.....we are having big fish feast. We eat 3 types of fish...these are the fish we normal people (poor people) won't eat......yeah it astronomical prices! So this restaurant is famous for fresh fish.......but you don't think that we all eat at a fancy fancy restaurant with waiter/waitress standing nearby you to serve you and with air conditional.......nope we take our lunch under some big trees waiter/waitress standing nearby to serve you.....they only show up few times to take the drinks and food to us and they will disappear from the scene. Okay...this restaurant harvest the fish daily from local river and they guarantee the fish is fresh. If my memory serve me right....this restaurant have been mention before in our local dailies which say they are the only restaurant serving the most freshest fish in town.
Sooooo what fish we eat?.....We eat Kelah fish (aka Sultan fish), Sai Tou fish (fish ball is made from this fish) & lastly but not least the Water Monkey fish (literally from Cantonese). I open my eyes widely to see on this Water Monkey have nothing resemble of monkey.....don't know why they name it so. I think people like to give animal name on the fish.....few years ago during my visit to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (a state famous for their sea food), they also give animal name on a fish.....they name it "Underwater Chicken" (direct translation from Cantonese)......I look at the got no resemble of chicken....and it got no feather! Why they have to mention 'chicken' on a fish? But after I've eat the fish.....I think I understand why....the flesh of the fish is sort like chicken the flesh is a bit tougher than normal fish !! But I haven't eat a monkey before I can't comment whether this Water Monkey fish have similar taste of a monkey flesh!
3 hours.......3 HOURS is the length of time we take our lunch this time! I think this is the 2nd longest meal we have been to. The 1st one is whereby we eat steamboat...and yeah we are having lunch with boss at that time (if not we have been fired long time ago) it also take us about 3 hours++. That is our 1st and the last time we take steamboat during our lunch time!.......furthermore the restaurant close shop few monts later!.....hmmm....hmm wondering this fish restaurant will close shop or not leh....heeeehee.
Feel good to have boss that always bring us out for meal everytime he had lunch at fancy restaurant except the 'Fish Feast'!
~ Alpha
Sooooo what fish we eat?.....We eat Kelah fish (aka Sultan fish), Sai Tou fish (fish ball is made from this fish) & lastly but not least the Water Monkey fish (literally from Cantonese). I open my eyes widely to see on this Water Monkey have nothing resemble of monkey.....don't know why they name it so. I think people like to give animal name on the fish.....few years ago during my visit to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (a state famous for their sea food), they also give animal name on a fish.....they name it "Underwater Chicken" (direct translation from Cantonese)......I look at the got no resemble of chicken....and it got no feather! Why they have to mention 'chicken' on a fish? But after I've eat the fish.....I think I understand why....the flesh of the fish is sort like chicken the flesh is a bit tougher than normal fish !! But I haven't eat a monkey before I can't comment whether this Water Monkey fish have similar taste of a monkey flesh!
3 hours.......3 HOURS is the length of time we take our lunch this time! I think this is the 2nd longest meal we have been to. The 1st one is whereby we eat steamboat...and yeah we are having lunch with boss at that time (if not we have been fired long time ago) it also take us about 3 hours++. That is our 1st and the last time we take steamboat during our lunch time!.......furthermore the restaurant close shop few monts later!.....hmmm....hmm wondering this fish restaurant will close shop or not leh....heeeehee.
Feel good to have boss that always bring us out for meal everytime he had lunch at fancy restaurant except the 'Fish Feast'!
~ Alpha
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Long Story.....(2)
Wow....u will not belief where I've been just now. I 've just back from visiting it is not is a coincident that church members want to visit her house which I am one the visiting group.....furthermore it is coincident that she is at home.....because in my mind thinking she will be still working! So we stay about 45 min to chit chat with Z and her mom, then we left. On our way back home, suddenly all sort of advice aiming at me!
Guy 1 : she is good ho?
Guy 2 : you two seem have a nice chat jz now!
Guy 1: think about it lah!
Guy 2 : if got time u should look for her lah! Both of you can try to be friend 1st. No need to think a lot right now.
Guy 1 & 2 : blaaaa....blahhhhh (advice).......
But one thing I have confirmed thru this visit.....Z is younger than me! Why.....why....this thing happen to it really coincident....or it is the arrangement of the Almighty One?
I'm dead meat now!
~ Alpha
Guy 1 : she is good ho?
Guy 2 : you two seem have a nice chat jz now!
Guy 1: think about it lah!
Guy 2 : if got time u should look for her lah! Both of you can try to be friend 1st. No need to think a lot right now.
Guy 1 & 2 : blaaaa....blahhhhh (advice).......
But one thing I have confirmed thru this visit.....Z is younger than me! Why.....why....this thing happen to it really coincident....or it is the arrangement of the Almighty One?
I'm dead meat now!
~ Alpha
Feel Blessed .......(2)
Today I hear some news about my friend with kidney problem. He is getting worse, as he is now in ICU. From what I understand, during don't know what procedure which required a tube to be insert thru his throat.....but during the procedure the nurse have injured his internal organ which cause his internal bleeding. Doctor transfer him to ICU for close monitor. So I don't know whether his internal bleeding getting worse or his kidney problem! But I do know that he need to have dialysis 3 times a week....for the time being to see the progress (if kidney still function, dialysis will stop), doctor also explain that his situation probably need dialysis in his entire life.....unless he do a transplant.....which is very dangerous. Poor guy (and also literally).....he got no EPF or Socso.....and he is from poor family even his friends don't want to tell his mom that he is in serious condition.
Feel blessed to have healthy life now.
~ Alpha
Feel blessed to have healthy life now.
~ Alpha
Long Story
Dear Omega,
Start what we have left out from our conversation this afternoon. So it begin at my lunch time. Today I take my lunch alone.....ALONE....look how lonely I am,
no....lah my colleagues go for shopping....i didn't follow them loh
. Then about half an hour later I return to my office . Hah! got 2 lady colleagues take their lunch at office
. They eat Maggie Mee I think. must be saying I'm very "cheong hei" (long winded) telling you so much detail. My story will begin patience.
So as usual loh....I go and flick the newspaper I forgot how their conversation started
....ooh ya....they ask me why I take my lunch alone, so I just say that I don't want go shopping (they take lunch quickly then go shopping)
Lady A : Shopping ah! I take very long time to choose and buy 1 cloth.
Alpha : then lady A, how about ur bf eh! ur bf know how to buy cloth for himself or u buy for him ah?
Lady A : he buy himself cloth very easy to buy one
Alpha : but i don't how to buy cloth punya wo...
Lady A & B : then how u buy cloth?
Alpha : when I buy cloth i take along my consultant (my younger sister) with me loh.
Lady B : then u should hv gf, next time you two can go shopping loh
Alpha : ha..haaa.
Lady A : u answer me honestly do you have gf?
Alpha : No loh
Lady A : so recently do u tackle any girls?
Alpha : got call, but she very bz....not time to talk/call me one!
Lady A : then if she continue to reject u, you better find another one loh
Lady B : u should not give up, you ask her out for lunch/dinner or for movie and etc....etc
Lady A : answer me honestly...have tackle any girls before?
Alpha : no loh
Lady A : now..guy need to make the 1st step.......bla....blahhhh (advice)
Lady A : you don't have friends or girls at church meh?
Alpha : most of my friends already marry ah....those that around my age already being "book" by other ppl, only left school going kids & "kakak-kakak"
Lady B : how about the one name Z, how old is she and how old is you?
Alpha : i'm **years old
Lady B : ok lah....tonite I'll call her to ask her age for you.
Alpha : i think Z is younger than me, last time i got ask her....but now I forgot what is her age.
Lady A : Lady B, when u call her make sure u don't tell her that Alpha want to tackle her, you know!
Lady B: I know!
Lady A : girls likes people that talk sweetly about them, actually all girls alike.
Alpha : I know, it call "beautiful lies" (mei li de huang yen).....I'll bear that in mind....anymore girls weakness you want to share with me?
Lady A : no loh....different girls got different weakness....blahhhh...bla.......
2.00pm I go back to my work desk
Lady B : do you really want to tackle Z, I can help you call her tonite to ask her age?
Alpha : no need loh, just now I only talk-talk.
Lady B : what lah....if need help u can call my husband....maybe he can teach you some useful things.
Alpha : ok..thanks.
I'm pathetic.
~ Alpha
Start what we have left out from our conversation this afternoon. So it begin at my lunch time. Today I take my lunch alone.....ALONE....look how lonely I am,
So as usual loh....I go and flick the newspaper I forgot how their conversation started
Lady A : Shopping ah! I take very long time to choose and buy 1 cloth.
Alpha : then lady A, how about ur bf eh! ur bf know how to buy cloth for himself or u buy for him ah?
Lady A : he buy himself cloth very easy to buy one
Alpha : but i don't how to buy cloth punya wo...
Lady A & B : then how u buy cloth?
Alpha : when I buy cloth i take along my consultant (my younger sister) with me loh.
Lady B : then u should hv gf, next time you two can go shopping loh
Alpha : ha..haaa.
Lady A : u answer me honestly do you have gf?
Alpha : No loh
Lady A : so recently do u tackle any girls?
Alpha : got call, but she very bz....not time to talk/call me one!
Lady A : then if she continue to reject u, you better find another one loh
Lady B : u should not give up, you ask her out for lunch/dinner or for movie and etc....etc
Lady A : answer me honestly...have tackle any girls before?
Alpha : no loh
Lady A : now..guy need to make the 1st step.......bla....blahhhh (advice)
Lady A : you don't have friends or girls at church meh?
Alpha : most of my friends already marry ah....those that around my age already being "book" by other ppl, only left school going kids & "kakak-kakak"
Lady B : how about the one name Z, how old is she and how old is you?
Alpha : i'm **years old
Lady B : ok lah....tonite I'll call her to ask her age for you.
Alpha : i think Z is younger than me, last time i got ask her....but now I forgot what is her age.
Lady A : Lady B, when u call her make sure u don't tell her that Alpha want to tackle her, you know!
Lady B: I know!
Lady A : girls likes people that talk sweetly about them, actually all girls alike.
Alpha : I know, it call "beautiful lies" (mei li de huang yen).....I'll bear that in mind....anymore girls weakness you want to share with me?
Lady A : no loh....different girls got different weakness....blahhhh...bla.......
2.00pm I go back to my work desk
Lady B : do you really want to tackle Z, I can help you call her tonite to ask her age?
Alpha : no need loh, just now I only talk-talk.
Lady B : what lah....if need help u can call my husband....maybe he can teach you some useful things.
Alpha : ok..thanks.
I'm pathetic.
~ Alpha
Monday, January 16, 2006
Weight Loss Ads Are Ridiculous
It is a hilarious post by kennysia....check it out, you will regret if u didn't! Just remember to read it till the end.
~ Alpha
~ Alpha
Sunday, January 15, 2006
My Movie Watching Day ~ Sunday
I jz finish watching Mr. & Mrs Smith. WoW...some of you might say I'm truly lagging behind, it's last year movie! Yes I admit I'm still far behind everyone in watching latest movie. Don't you presume that I don't like watching movies. I like movies a lot.....I love it. During those day I will usually sit in front of TV and watch it from dawn to dusk...... no lah....if I watch like that I'm blind now! So I really watch a lot of TV programs. "Cinema" quite a foreign word for me. Besides than being treat by others I won't step a foot inside the wonderful world call "cinema". Why...... ? I'm broke that why I didn't go loh. Hehe..
Until now I still seldom frequent cinema but it is better than those "day" least I'm able to watch about 2 to 4 movies a year. WHAT! 2 - 4 movies a year!! yes.....maybe for those who are cinema + movie buff it is nothing to be proud of.......yeah indeed I'm left behind compare to those cinema goer who help TGV or GSC to accumulate wealth by paying them weekly without fail.
But now......I'm watching movies at home.....nope..I didn't rent the movie......or buy it! It is very much thanks to the BT creator Bram Cohen. Don't know what is BT or the dude Bram Cohen? Here. Yup now I usually spend a lot of time to d/l movie and watch them to catch with you guys! hehe...
~ Alpha
Until now I still seldom frequent cinema but it is better than those "day" least I'm able to watch about 2 to 4 movies a year. WHAT! 2 - 4 movies a year!! yes.....maybe for those who are cinema + movie buff it is nothing to be proud of.......yeah indeed I'm left behind compare to those cinema goer who help TGV or GSC to accumulate wealth by paying them weekly without fail.
But now......I'm watching movies at home.....nope..I didn't rent the movie......or buy it! It is very much thanks to the BT creator Bram Cohen. Don't know what is BT or the dude Bram Cohen? Here. Yup now I usually spend a lot of time to d/l movie and watch them to catch with you guys! hehe...
~ Alpha
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Feel blessed
Just arrive home from my church service. Today's sermon make me ponder that I'm blessed, because I'm healthy. Few days ago I visit one friend in B.G Hospital. He is admitted there because of his kidney problem. I was told that he only have 1 kidney left as 10 years ago some sickness have cause one of his kidney to be taken out. Now I've found out that he is transfer to General Hospital as his sickness quite serious that require dialysis.
Few months ago I've visit my friend's father in General Hospital. His father have an accident and now he is laying in hospital paralysis....and blind but able to move only one hand. During my visit, he is still unconscious....with no scratch on the body, I'm thinking did he really have an accident? Until now I'm not very sure did he really have an accident, but I guess if he really have an accident could be that his head knock on hard surface that cause his unconsciousness and paralysis (head injury).
Two weeks ago my boss's wife together with her friends baking cookies and sell them, the proceeds will be donate to charity society (cancer society & etc). She ask us (office staff) help her to raise the fund by selling it. We, office staff help her and sell quite a number of container. I guess people are willing to buy because Chinese New Year is around the corner. They intend to make some goodwill by doing some charity. I myself also buy 1 container
I feel I'm to do some charity.
~ Alpha
Few months ago I've visit my friend's father in General Hospital. His father have an accident and now he is laying in hospital paralysis....and blind but able to move only one hand. During my visit, he is still unconscious....with no scratch on the body, I'm thinking did he really have an accident? Until now I'm not very sure did he really have an accident, but I guess if he really have an accident could be that his head knock on hard surface that cause his unconsciousness and paralysis (head injury).
Two weeks ago my boss's wife together with her friends baking cookies and sell them, the proceeds will be donate to charity society (cancer society & etc). She ask us (office staff) help her to raise the fund by selling it. We, office staff help her and sell quite a number of container. I guess people are willing to buy because Chinese New Year is around the corner. They intend to make some goodwill by doing some charity. I myself also buy 1 container

I feel I'm to do some charity.
~ Alpha
On 2nd thought
This morning i think to myself......maybe i should downgrade my expectation. Maybe I'll be very happy if this blog will list as the BEST ASIAN WEBLOG or BEST MALE ASIAN BLOG...... I truely admire their lively.......sooooo full of energy.
Oooh maybe i'm building castle in the air heeehe........
~ Alpha
Oooh maybe i'm building castle in the air heeehe........
~ Alpha
Friday, January 13, 2006
In the beginning......
hmmmm.... it have been almost 24 hours since my 1st welcome posting, but still no sign of Omega posting. Jz wondering will this blog last. Maybe Omega let me start first......ya that is the most logical reason since I'm the Alpha........"the beginning".
The blog is up but I'm wondering when will ppl notice our humble blog? Anywhere who want to read our stories.....we are nobody...we are not famous....but at least it will become our journal jotting our thought. But my mind are "popping-up" with the some questions "could our blog become famous and with a lot of reader"?? or "Will our blog listed as the best Bloggies in year 20XX?". Am I thinking toooo much.....check this out the Bloggies 2005 Winners. Maybe I'm attracted to the prize listed.....who doesn't? .......... waittttt ............... what the prize is only USD20.05 and....aand some free T-shirts. Ok....ok I think i'll stop blogging right now!...........jz least i'll get RM75.00 (RM = Ringgit Malaysia) IF I win! with RM75.00 I can ......can.....cannnnn....what I'm going to do with RM75.00!!??......let me think about it.....
So anybody like to make suggestion to me?.....ooooh jz only me....talking alone.
~ Alpha
The blog is up but I'm wondering when will ppl notice our humble blog? Anywhere who want to read our stories.....we are nobody...we are not famous....but at least it will become our journal jotting our thought. But my mind are "popping-up" with the some questions "could our blog become famous and with a lot of reader"?? or "Will our blog listed as the best Bloggies in year 20XX?". Am I thinking toooo much.....check this out the Bloggies 2005 Winners. Maybe I'm attracted to the prize listed.....who doesn't? .......... waittttt ............... what the prize is only USD20.05 and....aand some free T-shirts. Ok....ok I think i'll stop blogging right now!...........jz least i'll get RM75.00 (RM = Ringgit Malaysia) IF I win! with RM75.00 I can ......can.....cannnnn....what I'm going to do with RM75.00!!??......let me think about it.....
So anybody like to make suggestion to me?.....ooooh jz only me....talking alone.
~ Alpha
Thursday, January 12, 2006
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