Sunday, May 21, 2006

Coconut Tarts

Tada...., my creation.... it is delicious. Not too sweet as I've reduce the amount of sugar. The filling almost not enough to put into my 40 plus pastry. So I've to reduce the amount of filling into each of the pastry. See the pic...the filling is not evenly distributed.

As you can see the pic that some pastry look darker than my oven, the heat is uneven. The back of the oven is much more hotter than the front one.

Over all.....I've successfully bake coconut tarts.


Saturday, May 13, 2006

What am I blogging?

I'm wondering why I keep on blogging about baking cakes or tarts. I know....I know.... because there aren't anything particular happening around me beside than what I'm doing now.

Am I turning the blog to become a culinary or bakery blog? Or I should rename the blog.... "ALPHA BAKERY BLOG". next project will be Coconut Tarts.

~ Alpha

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Egg Tart

Today I bake the egg tart. The result is quite disappointing. This is my second time making tart.

My 1st attempt is making sweet potato tarts. It rather unsuccessful. So back to my egg tart, it is too sweet, I don't know is it my fault that I measure the sugar wrongly or is the recipe.

Besides that the egg tart have burn mark around it filling. I think I've over bake it.

Well, I'll try to make it better next time.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Alpha & Omega Are Twin?

A very interesting question ask by a reader.

No. Alpha & Omega aren't twin. We are just friends. Omega lives in Singapore while I'm stuck in a country called Malaysia.

Supposedly this blog is for us to co-contribute where we can write our daily experience or our thought. But since the start of the blog...only I myself write on it....while Omega haven't contribute anything yet.

Well instead of Alpha & Omega, I think I should change the blog to Alpha only.

So you can see this blog are struggling to survive. I'll try my best to blog more frequent.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

My Next Project

Maybe on the coming Thursday I'll bake Egg Tarts. Haven't bake it before. Hope it will success.

I'll post some photos of it, if I success in baking the tarts.


A Guy Who Can Cook & Bake

Well I can't say I a good cook or a great pastry chef.....but I have interest in the area. I keen to learn the new recipe. But I still got no guts to try every recipe that makes my saliva dripping from my mouth. Still need to think of costs before buying the ingredient.

So far I've invest some money to buy baking utensils. Buying only the utensil that I will use frequent.

Everybody will have one kind of look when they know I could bake cakes. Yeah guys seldom cook or bake. Oops now many guys cook for girls. There is a trainee working in my office few weeks ago...he said that he cook for his friends at their rented house. Well according to him the girls don't know how to cook. No offence here! But I also didn't deny the truth from what i see and hear that nowaday girls is not what girls used to be last time.

The trainee intend to become a chefs....but his parent object, so he take other subject to study.

Till now beside then the trainee, I haven't really meet a guy that have the same interest as mine. Is it really that difficult to look for one?


Caving VS Baking

Last Sunday I have a chance to go caving. But I intend to bake a cake on the same day. Initially I think I could go caving in the morning and bake the cake afterward. After a rasional thinking, I won't be able to bake after I went for caving. Which I should I choose?

Well I choose to bake cake. Afterall I've been to that place for caving before, why waste my time to go there again!

So I decided to bake a wonderful cake......a Rich Moist Chocolate Cake. It turn out quite successful. It soft, it didn't peak in the center but the bottom of the cake is easy to crumble. Still don't know the reason yet. Maybe I didn't use the correct size cake tin.

I did give some to my friends to taste it......and .....everybody like it.

Happy to hear it.
