Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Evolution of Religion

At my first glance through this article Lama's brand new approach I thought this guy is a model before become a monk. Not until I've read the content that I realise this monk work for about a month as a runaway model at a production house which own by one of his student.

Here I'm not introducing Buddhism to you all or criticising it. It is an overview of world religion. I might quote it as my example since I've read it.

After reading the article, I'm we need the religion to be evolve so that it adapt or suit to the new generation of mankind? As I've been taught at school, the world consist of 5 major religion namely Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism & Hinduism. All these religion have a very long history. I'm pretty sure their teaching is based on the society and culture at that original place and time.

It will be untrue to say that these religion didn't change at all after so many years. Yes they could have evolve in the several ways like the method of spreading the message, the ways of interpreting the holy book & etc....(well I can't think of other tell me)

Nevertheless I believe their so core doctrine will endure forever and ever. It is not practical for us to apply the teachings of yesteryear literally. All we need to do is just take the principle of that particular teaching to be apply to our current situation.

But in recent year we could see that the some religion leader have openly condone the activity of gay and lesbian and even legalise their marriage. Are we that desperate to gain more worshipper/follower? Aren't these have violate the teaching of the religion that promote a union between a male and female? I think there are many more example that will prove that some of the religion have changed and slowly drift away from the main teaching.

D0 we need this kind of evolution to suit the new generation and invoke the wrath of the creator?

~ Alpha

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