Thursday, March 09, 2006

Moody Week

At last with courage I sms the 'girl' (which my parent like) telling her I wish to 'know her better'...blah..blah..'I will understand & is ok if she just want to be friend'....blah...bla.....

5min......10min........30 morning!.....still no news from her. My mind are full of she rejecting me?........or need few days time to think?.....or keep silent don't know how to react?

Okay, I sms her hoping she still got a good nite sleep after reading my sms. After waiting for ages....she reply my sms...'i got good nite sleep'. Well at least this is a good sign as she not trying to avoid me!

I sms her few more messages.....well it goes unreply.......nevermind I wait to call her at call unanswer.

Nevermind I call her next morning......still unanswer....I start to she avoiding my call/sms?

I sms her telling her how worry I am (for her safety) when calls is unanswer. Again after waiting for ages....she reply....'she is okay.....boss around.......very busy'. I sms her again telling her I'll call her at nite........she reply....'stock count next month, now need to do preparation, will be back late'

Then I ask 'how late....bla..bla...I wont' call you if it is really late'. My sms again goes unreply.

How should I judge her reaction? Is she rejecting me? Is she permit me to know her better? or She didn't have time to think...she is just too busy?

From my previous sms with her......I've come to realize that almost every sms that she reply have the word "BUSY". Is she that busy...until she didn't answer my call and reply my sms?

I just don't know. This have really affect my work.....really no mood to work. I just can't figure out what she want. I prefer her to say 'I don't like you' or 'ok let us know each other better' rather than waiting.....waiting...and waiting.

What I'm waiting now? I don't know. Today is the 2nd day I didn't sms or call her. She in turn didn't call me or sms me.

Other people telling me that she is busy....and she have a tired sound when speak on the phone. Is she that busy?

Although my office is very very near to her work place, it seem far.....far away. Even to have lunch with her is a very tough task.....'ok I'll have lunch with you.....a very quick lunch'.....

"A Very Quick Lunch"

But it also didn't realise yet.

I just don't know what to do now. Okay I've make up my mind....I just give her few more days, if she still have no respond.....I just ask her directly what she want? or I can just forget about her.

Maybe.....maybe she is not my EVE!


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